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New Private Hive, welcoming more

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Like the title says. We have a fairly new server up and running. We wanted to put out an invite to any and all Clans, lone wolves, and players that want to do some RP inside Dayz. We have our own private hive Chernarus that we just got up and running, so everything is fresh. We play with max 30 vehicles which includes 3 HELICOPTERS and a plethora of other really nice trucks and cars. To be honest we have fixed up a couple vehicles that we plan to use such as a UAZ , Skoda, and Heli. But the rest of the 27 vehicles are up for grabs including two more helicopters. The server is password protected so we plan to keep a very strict roster of players who are allowed to be on the server and will issue immediate kick/bans to those who are not registered to ensure a smooth gaming experience for all. We are currently looking for a few clans with a member count of around 5 players each so that we can set up some friendly competition between the clans. Also we would like to invite mature players that would like to experience Dayz in a role playing setting. For instance, our admin who is very active plans to do "emergency alerts" for crash sites and give approximate locations for them over global chat. We also are planning on setting up a trading post inside the city where we will always be regularly trading valuable items you need to survive the wasteland. We plan on taking requests from players and even issuing requests for items that will be rewarded appropriately. There has been ideas of setting up a colloseum for hatchet fights, win so many matches without dieing and own a nice prize. These are just some ideas we are playing around with.

If you are part of a Clan, please notify the clan leader and have them contact us for all the details, then he can distribute to your clan. This will make it easier and there will be no confusion. We are on Skype, and post Information all the time, so you will have your own spot to communicate between clans. The server runs on Veteran with crosshairs, 3rd person, and death messages. There will be a slight process in order to obtain the Password. So please just tell us alittle about yourself and why you feel you should play on this server. We have owned 2 public servers, and have been hacked multiple times by script kiddies. This is the reason for an interview to play here. We're hoping that if you have taken your time to read this, your not one of them. We hope to hear from you guys soon and start creating one of the best Dayz experiences yet for all who join us in the fight to survive the Zed apocalypse!!

Please contact myself or the server admin aka General Maximus if interested.

Edited by Killaspree
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I am General Maximus and I approve this message :D . I am very active within the admin duties constantly looking at logs and taking questions/concerns from players within our servers. The server is based out of DALLAS, TX and has proven to be very reliable thus far. The server settings are Veteran with 3rd person on, Crosshairs, and death messages. We hope to create a Dayz experience like non other will all the events, public transit and trading posts! Clan leaders and lone wolves please do contact either myself or Josh so that we can get you set up and LOVING this new server. Thanks for your time guys and HAPPY HUNTING!!!

Ps. When contacting us for consideration please tell us your in game name and a little about yourself and your play style, how long you have been playing and what you want out of your DAYZ experience.

Edited by General Maximus

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