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Be Warned: Deceitful players on Chernarus and Lingor

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So, we decided to be friendly. -

big fucking mistake.

This happened with Me and David, This happened on US/NZ/AU Lingor Island. Our other members weren't present.

Mitch and Benjimo or something, not quite sure of direct spelling.

Flew us around in their chopper, helped me locate my friend, even traded with us.

Half an hour later, they ask us if we want our van back, because they fully repaired my van for me, so we go to it, hop in, and they spam fire us with M240 bullets, tell me why? why would you help us twice, only to kill us when we in fact had less loot than before, why not kill us when we did the trade? they're morons, and the worst kind of person; deceitful.

On 3 occasions did we both contemplate "should we kill them? the pilot's alone, I could take him out now" or.. "The sniper he has is low on ammo, I could spray him right now and take care of the pilot later" but we didn't, because they acted friendly. Truly, we have now learnt to shoot anything on site, and you can now consider us bandits.

This is what DayZ is about, a social experiment, but to be truly deceitful, and fake that kind of friendliness, it's quite sad. So watch out for these 2, they'll lure you into a false sense of "we're chill, hang with us." only to kill you later.

A sincerely thought out message from;



& Aaron, Jules and Shannon.

Edited by TylerMak
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There's deceitful people playing? I'm gonna have to make a new sticky about this.

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There's deceitful people playing? I'm gonna have to make a new sticky about this.

Hurr dis n33ds to be on da frunt paeg for erry1 to no.

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Mitch tried to join my clan, when i saw that he had done loads of this across a variety of servers, i denied him the opportunity.

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there is reason to be friendly anymore in this game.. Just shoot first.

I used to get all the time when I got the jump on people "dont shoot I'm friendly" when I started playing this game, only to have them shoot me when I didnt shoot them.

I kill everyone single person I see now.

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there is reason to be friendly anymore in this game.. Just shoot first.

I used to get all the time when I got the jump on people "dont shoot I'm friendly" when I started playing this game, only to have them shoot me when I didnt shoot them.

I kill everyone single person I see now.

In all seriousness, these kind of people are the reason I've lost faith in humanity..no no not real life humanity. the Humanity meter in DayZ. it's pointless, you either die a survivor or live long enough to see yourself become a bandit.

Edited by TylerMak
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I've personally had loads of encounters in DayZ that have restored my faith in humanity.

Edited by Fraggle
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I've personally had loads of encounter in DayZ that have restored my faith in humanity.

Shhhhh. Be quiet, we want to hear bad stories to make us feel worse about the DayZ community.

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If you care for your gear, then you best avoid making any contact at all. I've had people run away from me when I say 'Friendly' or stuff like that, simply because people have abused mercy.

Is it so hard to not be cold-hearted to ATLEAST one stranger? Even if I feel generous, I don't talk, I don't even tell them where I'm at. I just stalk them and contemplate murder, simply because some people

get excited beyond words on being a a soulless backstabber after you help them when you had the upper hand.

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Sure, I kill people if I feel especially evil one day, but most of my experiences with other players see me helping them out in every way I can before sending them off or recruiting them into a temp group. KOS is fucking boring.

I don't always murder people, but when I do, I do it creatively.

Edited by Hydra

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I shot first today... But this guy was weird, man... Weird...

Didn't kill him, though...

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If you care for your gear, then you best avoid making any contact at all. I've had people run away from me when I say 'Friendly' or stuff like that, simply because people have abused mercy.

Is it so hard to not be cold-hearted to ATLEAST one stranger? Even if I feel generous, I don't talk, I don't even tell them where I'm at. I just stalk them and contemplate murder, simply because some people

get excited beyond words on being a a soulless backstabber after you help them when you had the upper hand.

We had two chances to steal the chopper and leave them jaw agape, and multiple chances for murder. But we thought no..these guys..they seem nice.

nice being the wrong word.

seem being the KEY Word.

I've only killed about 3 players, 1 in Takistan, 2 in Chernarus. and I don't plan to go on random murdering missions. But, I will definitely be avoiding people, and trust me, me and my crew don't go looking for friends, we just got caught up with them kinda. It was a good session ended badly.

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Being deceitful helps , I approached two guys with ak-74 on a bridge with an atv , what do you think i am going to do , open fire with a lee enfield or help them till the opportunity comes , so i did , shot one of them point blank with the enfield in the face , the other with his mates ak , he disconned so i am still stuck without a map , yet this ak is good :D , if the opportunity comes ,take it , or you are a fool and deserve death.

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No, no, no, no, no! Of course, there are nasty little crapbags playing this game but there are lots of friendly people too. I'm friendly. Admittedly, it can be hard to find me, as I'm a bit of a loner and prefer to avoid people who, as you say, trick you and kill you. BUT we do exist and we are friendly. Don't lose faith in mankind. Just in those nasty buggers. :thumbsup:

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Being deceitful helps , I approached two guys with ak-74 on a bridge with an atv , what do you think i am going to do , open fire with a lee enfield or help them till the opportunity comes , so i did , shot one of them point blank with the enfield in the face , the other with his mates ak , he disconned so i am still stuck without a map , yet this ak is good :D , if the opportunity comes ,take it , or you are a fool and deserve death.

Hurr i is stupid for using friendliness and my conscience.

Thanks for the input.

Hey, don't they need you back over in Bandit Campfire?

Edited by TylerMak

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Being deceitful helps , I approached two guys with ak-74 on a bridge with an atv , what do you think i am going to do , open fire with a lee enfield or help them till the opportunity comes , so i did , shot one of them point blank with the enfield in the face , the other with his mates ak , he disconned so i am still stuck without a map , yet this ak is good :D , if the opportunity comes ,take it , or you are a fool and deserve death.

self-serving tards like you are no new thing, and are not by any means any sort of intelligent entity in any virtual or tangibly real world.

you wanna be smart? synergy! want the definition? www.dictionary.com

want to know it's practicality? try it, overcome the tards out there who are still lost in your current state, and find those worthy of synergistic relations, and watch prosperity for ALL parties flourish before your eyes!

Myself? I will kill you and I will gladly wear a big effing banner advertising such facts. cowards hide behind deceit...

Edited by pcgnBobo

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I don't know over the past few days starting with my camp being wiped by scripters and instakilled, LOL so good at this game kids, Ive taken to just running around the coast looking for friendly's. To my surprise in between instadeaths in the cities and elektro snipers with terrible aim, ive noticed that about 75% of people i run into are genuinely friendly. I'm pretty sure there's little to no legitimate players on public hive in the north so i'm just gonna keep doing the coastal spawn running around finding randoms. Today i ran into 3 bandits killed one in return fire and the other 2 were genuine friendlys despite their rags. We had fun looting until of course the worst scripters ever decided to take us on. 2 of 4 were killed by us between them failing at blowing up the train station we all met up in. And just in general bad marksmanship led to the 3rd dead. with me and my final random left they just resorted to an expected player shield port (instadeath). But 30 mins- an hour at a time this seems to be the only enjoyment left for me in this scripter rampant game.

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there is reason to be friendly anymore in this game.. Just shoot first.

I used to get all the time when I got the jump on people "dont shoot I'm friendly" when I started playing this game, only to have them shoot me when I didnt shoot them.

I kill everyone single person I see now.

I'm sorry to hear that. But I promise that even if you shoot at me first, I will NOT return fire, even if it means my death. Which it has, many, many, many times.

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In all seriousness, these kind of people are the reason I've lost faith in humanity..no no not real life humanity. the Humanity meter in DayZ. it's pointless, you either die a survivor or live long enough to see yourself become a bandit.

Oh good. You're ripping off of The Dark Knight.

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Yesterday I'd managed to ghillie up and get a nice big pack full of all my needs for the push North, the server was about to reset so I laid down out the back of the firestation. When the server came back up I rejoined to find myself inside the building tower still.

As I went to the ground floor there was a bandit in the main room with an enfield shouting "Friendly, friendly man!" I asked him about his bandit clothes and he said he HAD to kill him.

We talked for a few minutes and he even dropped a couple bits of gear for me. Then out of nowhere about ten minutes later he just shoots me in the head, kicked myself for a while on that. The line between being trigger happy and overly trusting is fine on this game, especially when people can chat to you casually for a while and give you gear before taking you out.

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Oh good. You're ripping off of The Dark Knight.

I thought it worked well.

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Yesterday I'd managed to ghillie up and get a nice big pack full of all my needs for the push North, the server was about to reset so I laid down out the back of the firestation. When the server came back up I rejoined to find myself inside the building tower still.

As I went to the ground floor there was a bandit in the main room with an enfield shouting "Friendly, friendly man!" I asked him about his bandit clothes and he said he HAD to kill him.

We talked for a few minutes and he even dropped a couple bits of gear for me. Then out of nowhere about ten minutes later he just shoots me in the head, kicked myself for a while on that. The line between being trigger happy and overly trusting is fine on this game, especially when people can chat to you casually for a while and give you gear before taking you out.

That's the spitting replica of our story, just yours was in Chernarussia. Ours was in the Islands of Lingor.

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