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Solid group of 6 looking for new guys

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We have been playing now for about 2 months all pretty experience we have a team medic and are all pretty well geared. We are all gmt timezone so probably would help but not necessary

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I've been playing DayZ since it was released, i have like 12 very rare and extremely rare items. I have a jeep. I have an L85A2 AWS, M24, ghillie suit, all the tools, 2 spare ghillie suits, food, drink, M9 SD, NVGs, Rangefinder. The jeep is also full of gear, including satchel charges and grenades.

Send me a message or reply to this if you would like to team up.

Oh and i also have a few mates that play regularly as well, they are also pretty well geared.

I am also in the GMT timezone (i live in London)


My jeep full of cool stuff got nicked whilst i was offline, luckily i was smart enough to take all the valuables out before i logged out :)

there's still enough free loot going!

Edited by Arkulus

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I am also in the GMT timezone. Myself and a group of 4 others are interested in travelling in a group with others in chernarus- not always, but from time to time. We are all from London and aged about 15, and we use skype.

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I am also in the GMT timezone. Myself and a group of 4 others are interested in travelling in a group with others in chernarus- not always, but from time to time. We are all from London and aged about 15, and we use skype.

I'm 16 and play regularly, got a few friends who are also well geared, we could all meet up and kill some banditos

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I'd like to play with you guys i'm in gmt time zone got some ok gear and iv been playing for a month

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down to team up. been playing pretty consistantly. in my 20's, not no punk kid or hacker or something.

hit me up sometime



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I would like to team up with someone,GMT+0,I live in Portugal and play everyday.

Im 15 and have preety good gear:



Other cool gear

Hit me on skype if you want:


Edited by Garci4

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I'm interested... I'm bored of playing solo, I'm pretty much at end game, I have all the gear I want with the exception of range finders and it's just got to the point that all I do when logging in is risk loosing it all while standing to gain very little, I'm looking for a group that works tactically and plays smart

I have 2 OA keys, so have 2 players, mainly as i got bored of my primary alt, so started the hunt for gear again on my secondary.

Any way I'm 28, from the UK (Reading to be precise) happy to use ts3/vent/skype (or any thing else for that matter)

pm me if I sound like I could fit in with your group.


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I'd be interested. 19 from the US (louisiana area) been playing about a month now completely geared up just having trouble finding an actual group of guys to stick with. I've got ts, skype all that good stuff hope you guys consider me and thanks.

Edited by Thibrockr

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Also, my skype is Thibrockr and my steam is Kakon, anybody feel free to hit me up with an invite if you want to play in the meantime :)

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Hey, im interested, 13 from England, Steam:JEL100599, IGN: Friendly_DayZer, Skype: jamie.evan.lawrence

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hL. is looking for international clan members - you're welcome to join as a private squad or we can position you in our ranks. If your group is interested, feel free to contact me. Same with the rest of you.

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