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Hacker at UK414 ([LwS] SlIckdOn)

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Hi guys,

I was playing with a friend and went to the shore at Cherno when all of a sudden we see a normal beginning player. We where geared top notch so wanted to help the sucker a bit. Running at him he all of a sudden spawned a ghillie suit :huh: .

And 2 sec later he had a AS50 AWS in his hands. I don't doubted and shot him down with my spare gun (Lee Enfield) and he died (screenshot).

Then we started to check his loot and he had, like I said, a AS50 AWS with 96 x M107 mags!?! And I don't even mention the radio, gps, map, nv goggles, etc. ...

I said to my friend, get a save place and disconnect, he probably is going to spawn again and teleport everybody to him and we die...

I didn't even said it properly and he already stood behind us with the same gear (ghille suit, AS50 AWS) spamming the bullets at us without even aiming.

I fell down, was in shock and had broken legs, then I fast disconnected in the hope I can join later on without a penalty.

Anyways, hunt this fuck :P !!!



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