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Looking for a British Private Hive.

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Good day to ye all, I just finished my fapp and was lazing in bed, forever busy. and i just randomly started thinking about day - z and why whenever i ever get to the point where i have a fair ammount of gear i play it less and less. Purely down to hackers, infact my first death in this game I got so blinded by rage - well thats a long story. Anyways 1 keyboard later I've decided to come on here and find out about private hives and wrangle someone into letting me join their private hive server?

If you have a private hive server could you please let me join it i am a british person over 18. Thanks man!!!! (oh if you have a private hive but its like, empty 24/7, dont bother lol)

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Vilayer servers have been pretty good for me. They have a private hive that carries over to multiple servers so you're not just restricted to one server.

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