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All =CCDC= members banned from UK Zombie World

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This is my ban report copy and pasted from our forums, this is not a cheat report to go further because we are a private hive but this is a heads up to other server admins. In addition i was in contact with www.survivaloperations.net and they banned them for vehicle creation hacks, teleporting and spawning equipment and here is the official spiel:

All CCDC members were banned from our server after a torrential amount of bullcrap last night. Reports of them just finding people completely out of the blue, i found one guy spawning with AS50s every time he died. And now I have hard evidence that one of them is teleport hacking. After talking with hex about this we have decided to go ahead with the ban. All CCDC members that log onto the server are to be kicked and banned immediately, they have a bypass to the new script detection which allows them to maphack, spawn with weapons (not be confused with spawning weapons in) and teleport. Not sure about demigod/godmode but they die rarely.

Here is CCDC Konscripts log where i found him teleporting/speedhacking:

09/21/12 01:25:22 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_updateSurvivor(82930, '[111,[10518.9,5872.86,0.00106812]]', '[]', '[]', '[]', 0, 0, 0, 'any', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '["M14_EP1","amovpercmevasraswrfldf",42]')

09/21/12 01:25:28 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_updateObjectPosition(3520, '[69,[6262.24,8098.86,0.044342]]', 0.605005)

09/21/12 01:25:51 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_updateSurvivor(82930, '[1,[13225.6,6133.48,0.0019722]]', '[]', '[]', '[]', 0, 0, 0, 'any', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '["M14_EP1","amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon",42]')

Shown above are 3 log entries, the first and last are his movements and as you can see these two entries are 29 seconds apart. Now taking his XYZ coordinates at these points and calculating them into map points they are:

(105.094) ---> (132.91)

Which is:


So he travelled ~3000m in <30 seconds. I added the middle log entry because it's a vehicle which is the only vehicle active in that timeframe and it was cadillac and it's accessed (not moving) location was (062,074) and did not move when this happened. No other vehicle moved in the time around this point.

In addition i checked to see if anyone had died and bam!:

09/21/12 01:28:16 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_updateSurvivor(83036, '[177,[13425,6016.29,0.00145054]]', '[["ItemFlashlight","MeleeCrowbar","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","MeleeHatchet","ItemHatchet"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemSodaCoke","ItemBloodbag","ItemJerrycan","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]', '["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","ItemBandage","ItemEpinephrine"],[4,3,1,2]]]', '[false,false,false,true,false,false,true,7

09/21/12 01:28:29 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_killSurvivor(83036)

{GA}ChryGlam was killed <3minutes later and his location was in (134,094) which is ~300m from Konscripts teleported/Speeded location so that means he teleported to a players location(maphack) without a vehicle moving him at the speeds he needs to go at to validate the distance moved.



Here is konscript spawning with an AS50:

09/20/12 22:50:38 INFO [main] dayz_2461.chernarus command E: call proc_updateSurvivor(82815, '[75,[2696.69,2004.3,0.00146437]]', '[["BAF_AS50_scoped","ItemFlashlight"],["5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","5Rnd_127x99_as50","ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage"]]', '["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]]', '[]', 0, 0, 0, 'any', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '["BAF_AS50_scoped","amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon",36]')
Edited by Tabbykatze
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