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The Reaperman

Someone from the dayz team please Help!!

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hello, bit of a strange one this but im sure someone must have come across this before, my friends hired a public server everything runs well, ( vehicles/tents ) but someones managed to fly the chopper at full tilt into the hotel in cherno, now on server restart the chopper is missing from the map and the building loads up damaged like an explosion has went off inside, but there is no sign of the chopper wreckage nor can we hear or see an explosion if we log in next to the hotel on restart.

can anyone please fix this, i hear hackers steal vehicles by being able to see all locations and then can teleport them, so is this possible maybe for a dayz team member to come on and teleport the wreckage from limbo then it should be available next restart? going up north to the base has become somewhat tedious.

or alternatively spawn in a su - 34 for us to play with? please? i promise to only kill zombies.... not my friends... :D

thanks in advance for any info.

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The DayZ team can't do anything. Vehicles are individually serverside saved, so just get your friend to restart the server and it should be in one of the spawn points.

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we have restarted the server. Many many times. I believe i stated this already. The chopper is nowhere apart from in the building as every restart the hotel is damaged (blackened cracked walls, smashed windows) the only time this doesnt happen is when we restart the server and it doesnt load the vehicles/tents the building is fine so somethings happening to the building. We lost the chopper a fortnight ago on sunday so even waiting 7days for it to respawn somewhere else after not being touched doesnt work. We have 5 people working at this believe me we've tried everything. Once we got the chopper spawning in a tree after a crash and we had to use a bus to bounce the chopper off on restart when it continued to spawn in the tree and blow up. Eventually we got it back but a tree and a hotel are slightly different.

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