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Need a good private hive, with active admins.

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Ok, so I'd like to take a stab at DayZ again, but I refuse to do it on a public hive server. I need to mention that I am ONLY looking for a server with active admins. Here's the list of other things I'm looking for..

Mid population, although high isn't a problem.

Bug fixes, such as duping, tent & vehicle saving, anti alt-f4 fix, etc.

CHERNARUS. I have no desire to play lingor at the moment, but I'll take suggestions for good lingor servers just in case I get interested at a later point.

A custom anti-cheat program, advanced script parsing, etc.

Those things a long with active admins, who not only just monitor the logs, but also play in their own server would be a huge plus. There's such a huge list of private hives out there that I really don't know where to start, and considering that I only intend on sticking to one server, I want to get it right the first time. So I'm looking to you guys to help me choose a solid, community approved, private hive. Any help is very appreciated and I look forward to hitting chernarus again.

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What country are you in mate?

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