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NeckBreakersLifeTakers - Steam Group

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Hello people,

I started a group on steam called NeckBreakersLifeTakers. It's pretty much an anti-bandit group. If you try to save or assist people from bandits in dayz and show no mercy for bandits or snipers or you charge into a bandit base and light up as many as you can, then you are more than welcome to join. It's an open group, anyone can join. The group's not very big yet but I'm hoping it grows quickly! Will this group stop bandits for good? No but it will hopefully give some of them a taste of their own medicine. Did somebody murder you in cold-blood? Put a hit on them and get some help hunting them down and bring justice. What if it was a fellow NBLT? Send a messsage to me or officers. I will appoint officers once I get to know some of you better and know I can trust you. Once we get a little bigger in size, I'll turn it into an invite only group so only people from within the group can let new players join. If you have any questions or ideas, send me a message on steam.

Hope to see you guys in the group!

- Duncan

Steam ID: dduncan55330

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