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Goodbye 1298

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I am going to be bringing my server, US1298, down at the end of its billing cycle. My reasons are below:

The hacker problem. Hackers have been plaguing my server for far too long. They have run amok for far too long sucking all the fun out of the game. They bypass Battleye with programs that are easy to find with a quick google search. With no tools to protect my server I feel like it is not worth throwing $50+ to support an infrastructure that is rife with cheaters of the lowest caliber. On top of that the apathy of the Dev team and the punitive atmosphere against server admins like myself has made the game no longer fun.

With the Dev team silent on the issue of dealing with the hackers and the blatant abuse of my servers by these hackers I can no longer justify paying for an empty server. So this is the end of my support for this game. I loved this game. I really did. I wish there was no hacker problem so I could continue to love it and support it. It was the zombie game I always wanted. But the game has become getting really good gear only to lose it to a script kiddie with a hacked gun and the ability to teleport.

So I am going to let my server expire. Maybe the Dev team will do something to change both their policy towards Admins like me and take care of the hackers. Then I may come back. All I wanted was to provide a fun server where I knew the admin would not abuse his authority and provide the community a fun place to play. A constantly dead server and an infestation of hackers with no way to keep them out was my reward. So long, and thanks for all the beans. It was fun while it lasted.

Hunted1 out.

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Sorry to see you go .It all about the money now its sad to have such A great game alot of things need to be fixed still .. I think a private server has better anti cheat plus you can take care of the server better and not worry about QQ'ers.. that's the way I am going..

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i hope alot more servers shut down....i was looking at the list tonight and i couldnt even count how many empty servers there are.

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Go private dude, that`s the way to go atm. White list and play with good people. No BS, no cheats.

He does have a private server. It doesn't help. Hackers still join and mass teleport people. Ban them and others join.

It's funny you can see them do these things in the server logs, but Battle eye can't.

Losing Hunted1 = losing two servers.

Sorry to see you go big guy, but I totally understand.

Edited by Typheran

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