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US 1679 Seattle [Server & Admin Abuse Reporting]

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Server Name: (Please include this in the thread title also.)

US 1679 Seattle

(Your) Timezone:



2000-2100 PST

Server Administrator('s):

Unknown (How do I check that?) I have a list of players while I was respawning, hopefully that can help?

What happened:

My friends were killed in Elektro and then respawned there over and over again and were killed repeatedly by several players who either spawned on them and killed them or just happened to be in the exact area they were at at the time. I was then killed on my way to try and see what I could do about the bandits, unbeknownst that they were hackers, and while on my way I was sniped by some player who I didn't see on the backside of a hill who had no idea where I was, no doubt about that, and then I respawned and then decided to start up Fraps to see what would happen. I then deliberately died to try to see if I could spawn in Elektro and I ended up spawning next to a perfectly good bus on the end of the pier in Cherno. I went to see if I could find a tire for the bus, but was greeted with potshots from a player nearby, at which time I announced that I was recording him on Fraps, and then about 10 seconds after I was booted for a script restriction error, no doubt by the admin. (Proof is in video).

Quote from one of the hackers who was near my friend who was spawned in Elektro again:

"hey man, can't you spawn us a box or some sh**? or teleport us a helicopter?"

Friend's experience before being kicked just the same as I: later, they kept spawning around me in groups of three with mk 48s. they would insult me, shoot at me, and eventually kill me. lastly, before I got a random script restriction notice, they spawned at me again and spawned a goat directly in front of me


See video/link: http://youtu.be/lq_GFpbl-mQ

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Not a Server Report.

Thread Moved

Server Reporting is meant for servers that cause a big problem within the Server Hosting Rules.

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They're was absolutely no shred of proof in the video besides a full bus with two missing wheels.. suspicious, but that's all.

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just so you know...1679 is my server. i am owner and sole admin to the server. if you believe i was "abusing my powers" you are wrong sir. Just so you know, a player named space monkey was hacking on my server and has been banned. If battleye kicks you for script restriction it usually means a hacker attempted to kill/tele/morph or something unnatural to the game. If you had done any research at all you would know if an admin kicks or bans you it straight up says "admin ban" or "admin kick". Battleye restriction kicks are automatic due to script protection filters enabled in the server. If you wanna see the proof of space monkey hacking i will be glad to show you as i save all logs since the creation on my server. Next time please look things up before you start shitting on admins and insta-calling abuse. I currently pay for and admin the server by myself and do a damn good job of it. and it cracks me up that you people call out admins like they are the main problem even though it is super evident that hackers have pretty much over ran the game. admins cant spawn items, teleport, or instakill people on the server. learn the facts before you slander an admin.

its k


Edited by hawnji

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currently redering out a video that i have of 2 or more hackers/script kiddies who were just in the server a couple hours ago. hopefully they will be globally banned :P

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