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Good hacker free server?

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As the title says i'm looking for one i'm just sick of having to join boring low pop servers to stay away from hackers.

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Look for some private hive servers that have public passwords. That should fix your issue for the most part.

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HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!..................................................................

oh wait your serious?

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If you post it here then hackers will come. Then it will no longer be hacker free!

btw, TPG is a great clan with a public server, but there are hardly any hackers.

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I Know about private hives i'm just asking for any good ones.

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Private Hives or just stick with the low pop ones even if they're boring, they still have less traffic and less scripters.

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Come and play on our server, AU46, We try to clean up hackers as best we can. Obviously we are doing something right considering we are ranking #1 in AUS and #17 in the world...

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Just keep looking until you find one, and like your favourite fishing hole, NEVER come on here and tell anyone.

As soon as it is public knowledge, the hackers will come in droves.

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