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Using the axe/hatchet

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Tried searching for this topic but no luck.

I read in some of the survival guides circulating the internet that the "hatchet" or "axe" is usually the first weapon a player will find.

I've found one, but aside from gathering wood I've not been able to do much else with it.

I began to wonder if some servers don't support its use but instead of starting over I've decided some other noob will eventually have the same question.

So, how can I use the axe to defend myself?

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Tried searching for this topic but no luck.

I read in some of the survival guides circulating the internet that the "hatchet" or "axe" is usually the first weapon a player will find.

I've found one, but aside from gathering wood I've not been able to do much else with it.

I began to wonder if some servers don't support its use but instead of starting over I've decided some other noob will eventually have the same question.

So, how can I use the axe to defend myself?

open your inventory "G" then right click the Hatchet in your tool belt and select "Remove from toolbelt" this'll equip it to your primary slot. Once it's equipped reload your Hatchet "R" now you can swing and attack players/zombies "Left Click".

Edited by #Sleepy

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Tried searching for this topic but no luck.

I read in some of the survival guides circulating the internet that the "hatchet" or "axe" is usually the first weapon a player will find.

I've found one, but aside from gathering wood I've not been able to do much else with it.

I began to wonder if some servers don't support its use but instead of starting over I've decided some other noob will eventually have the same question.

So, how can I use the axe to defend myself?

You have to hit the reload button to be able to kill zombies with it, but you only have to do it once, right after you pick it up

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Just like they said, and its the same for a crowbar.

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Hatchet is a great silent weapon, I prefer it to most primaries except sniper/M4s. I find if I crouch walk up to zombies I can take them down with one swing before they agro. Crowbar on the other hand - doesnt seem to be nearly as effective in my experience.

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Don't bother with the crowbar. It takes too many hits to kill a zombie, with it, however, with the axe it's one hit. Be careful though - if you have a rifle you won't be able to take out your axe/hatchet in an emergency. You have to mess about with dropping your rifle first.

Edited by Sula

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Mild point of contention - If you have a rifle in your backpack and a hatchet in your hand, you CAN swap between the two (both will necessitate a reload)! Just be careful of how you do it and do not inadvertently fill your backpack while the larger item is out, as you can accidentally delete your primary..

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Also a tip I read on here once, when aiming with the hatchet always get the circle over the zombies head for a one hit hill, aim too low and will take couple also get used to the timing of your swing, too early and miss... I had a great time in cherno yesterday, had the hatchet and just went around silent killing zombies.. Also followed a player who had 10 zombies chasing them and took out a few for him.

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