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Killed a hacker twice today,

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I was in FI20 Today, lookin for snipers on electro sniper hill, then i saw 2 guys running, i killed one of them his name was John, i didint want to loot his body cause i knew there was his friend waiting, After 5min i decided to check his body out and leave, but when i was running i saw a ghillie guy and i killed him, It was John again, if you wonder that why do i think that he is hacker, He had AS50 TWS with 30 M107 mags and 35 M9SD mags, How is it possible to carry 30 M107 mags?, he had NVG and RADIO? Never seen one, i just took that radio and ran away, Seems like he teleported back to his body or spawned that same loot cause he had Ghillie suit like last time i killed him.

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