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Should tents work...?

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So, the search seems quite borked, so i thought i just ask here.

I found a clan camp on a server, lots of fine stuff. Build a tent some km away, one tent, very well hidden, and stuffed quite some stuff there. Saved two times (about 2 to 3 saves each), once with as much loot i could carry, then again after a second tour. Let some cool stuff i had with me there too, especcially my mod 0 and m9sd...

Some hours later (about 4) i decided to bring the stuff to another server. Which wont happen since nothing is there. Not some things are lost, everything is. Every bandage, every meat, much stuff the most people would not take. So...:

Did the admin trace my tent? Or are they still buggy? Any tipps on how to use them?

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Tents work fully, they even spawn back in if you flatten them.

Admins can trace where tents are using the logs, wouldnt suprise me if it was a full-size admin camp that they would track you.

Best thing to do: Put tents down on another server nearby > steal stuff, switch, store, repeat. >then name change so they cant follow you.

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If the tent is still there and nothing inside it means somebody has found and looted or its a buggy server.

However if the tent is totally gone a server restart should bring it bck.

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Is your tent still there? The tent itself? If it is, you were robbed by someone, probably

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I've had tents appear empty with the tents right next to them still holding their stash.

(Could have been robbed but seems very unlikely)

And I've had a tent which was set up, loaded up with guns and ammo and saved, less than an hour before a server restart,which caused it to reappear with nothing in it

(No time for anyone to have robbed it, one of my team was standing next to it)

Seems random, but usually don't have to worry about it because most of the time they disappear and NEVER come back.

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the tents still dont work only vehicles where fixed,BUT after ever server restart vehicles have NO gas.

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To keep your guys up to date:

The tent was still there, empty. The stuff was back in their cars, including a new tent. didnt seem to be put back in, just a reset in the cars...

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Ok. Tents are broken.

We all know it.

Best way to use a tent is to place it and save it empty. Wait til the next server restart and then use it to save gear after it settles.

Now, herein lies a problem.

Various conditions for tents.

It may NOT appear after a server restart - it seems to be about 50/50 on that.

It may appear but be empty, even after a gear save. Wait for next server restart.

It may appear and only have the gear in it you saved first(still to be confirmed) so make sure your first save is the most important.

Invariably an empty tent ISN'T a raided tent, it will be an incorrectly spawned tent.

Unless you are completely dense when it comes to placing them.

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