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ATI Lightning problems [all dark]

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I've been searching forums for hours with no help.. it seems to be a big problem when using an ATI card..

Windows 7

AMD Raadeon ATI HD 6850 (driver version: 8.961.0.0)







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I don't think this is a video issue.. it's night with no moon

try joining a daytime server

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arhh okay.. i just got all confused, becasue i never seen that before.. thanks for the info.. i guess i am going to find a flashlight for next night then :P

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I experience problems with compass rendering. In most cases its rotating sector (with letters) is almost black, when exposed to light its colors become burned (like if its gamma setting is very low), looks normally only when exposed directly to the sun. This begun when I switched to the beta patch.

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Try your monitor brightness? Idk. I say this because the gray square/ circle looks as if its at normal levels even with gamma and brightness at full. I don't have any troubles with my 6870.

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