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Close alpha testing to those who already have made it. Sucks for those who haven't but it will ensure for a smoother game play for those of us who want to help rocket develop a legendary game.

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Being a console gamer who saw this game on youtube a while back I must say not all of us are noobs... Hell I've only ever killed one person and that was due to having a bullshit glitch death :angel:

Anyway I'm glad I moved up north... Don't have to deal with any noobs yet... ;)

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i'm bitter but I don't Shoot on sight...(I'm not part of the problem)...

You're part of the problem.

And you're ignorant' date=' you're part of the problem. Stop griefing.


Close alpha testing to those who already have made it. Sucks for those who haven't but it will ensure for a smoother game play for those of us who want to help rocket develop a legendary game.

Honestly, no, because when he does release it to Beta(Open) there will still be that flood of noobs breaking all the mechanics and exploits and being griefers just as you tried to fix by not letting them in, sure, the game would be great, granted you only played with non-asshats, but that's not possible, so you have to shape the game around having them there, otherwise, the game will be broken beyond repair upon release into Beta.

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quit yer bitchin. :)

So what. Servers are still capped in size, most noobs won't touch a veteran server (no 3rd person, and so on).

Yeah, a lot will die. You'll drain your uber l33t hovercraft sniper rifle shooting the waves upon waves that crash upon the shore. Then, when you hear that last click on an empty chamber, you'll know true terror. Makarov after Makarov. They just won't stop.

And I heard the Zombies can be quite frightening as well.

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'I never heard of ARMA 1'

^^ this just shows the mentality of these console retards....

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Every YouTuber and their cocksucker subscribers are doing spotlight videos on DayZ now. Just a few minutes ago Rooster Teeth put up a video of it.

Within the next few days as more and more people see the mod I swear it's going to quadruple in players.

I don't know what the servers are going to do but if Rocket doesn't coordinate a Queue system for the servers we're fucked.

Oh god no, I wondered why today I had about 15 newbies at once having a full blown convo in side voice, when they were asked to take it to skype or something, they started saying "hey man if its in the game the developers must want us to use it this way" and carried on talking shit over side, I actually died while semi afking in the player list muting them while in a town.

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