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Looking for people to play with

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I wouldn't consider this a clan recruitment, but a group of friends that are less committed that can communicate when they are available.

I would prefer people that are more open minded to speak with, because those long treks to meet each other would be better if we could have an intelligent conversation,

I live in the United States, more specifically Ohio. I don't mind joining other servers though as long as I don't get kicked for having a ping that's too high.

The first thing I look for in people to play with is a tolerance of loud noises in the background, typically this will be my girlfriend complaining that I haven't taken the trash out yet, etc.

My play times are very skewed. I'd prefer people with a more open schedule that can accommodate my own random schedule. I work part time and go to school full time. I still have a substantial amount of free time to play, but my work schedule is random, and if I'm called I may have to leave in a moments notice.

If you're interested in grouping up please send me a message via skype at mikeknows. I am very accustomed to people not speaking English very well, so everyone is welcome. I have an average understanding of spanish and japanese.

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Hi, I have added you on skype and my name is UnknownPerson1996


James Robertson

I didn't receive a contact request, but I will attempt to add you.

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