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Lone Survivor looking for a Team Based group

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Hey guys on about day 16 with my guy and its been interesting so far. Been in and out a few groups and pretty much everyone around my is dead and gone now so i'm looking for a permenant group of people actually looking to play the game, no get geared up then go on a killing spree. I'm very anti-bandit (unless it's self defense of course) and would like to find a vehicle as starters. My skype name is Thibrockr and steam name Kakon. Just send me an invite if you'd have me on your team much appreciated :)

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If you play in the same-ish time zone we could work together.

Steam: Freedomf63

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if you guys would even want to play with us check out dustgaming.enjin.com we are trying to get more together. we have a similar policy.

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If you're looking for the opportunity to play with a bunch of great people ranging from all aspects of the game, scavenger or bandit or hero, you'll enjoy what we have to offer at PCGN. Check us out at www.pc-gamers.net.

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