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Can't start A2:CO ! Help

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Hi, I have recently installed everything again after doing it by instructions and it won't work. everything is up to date and still Combined Operations won't start. Can't solve the problem.

The thing that is happening after I pressed "Launch A2:CO" it says preparing to launching and a CMD screen flashes by REALLY quick. I cannot see the full text from the cmd popup but managed to screenshoot it.

ScreenShot: http://imgur.com/e6b5g

So any advice or solutions?

Thx for useful help

Sincerly MurrGutt

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the cmd screen always flashes when running CO.. the game should start after that

however, I can see some errors there - command line does not recognize REG command (reg.exe).. not sure if this matters or not since I never checked what happens in the cmd window when I start the game..

you can try to:

- run steam as admin

- locate the file reg.exe on drive and put it somewhere the game can find it (C:\ or OA folder)

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reg.exe is needed. as it gets the game path from the reg archive.. it seems the cmd can't find the gamepath and closes down.. you proberly need to run the game as admin, to get access to reg.exe

if you kinda just wanna play the game, and avoid all thouse error, you can try the Six Updater Suite @ http://dayzmod.com/su.php

it install all files you need to play DayZ (if you already got Arma 2 and OA install afcasue)

then it bypass the cmd script and all that type of stuff that seems to be buggy in the steam version

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