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Clothing keeps disappearing

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07/13/12 Exact time is unknown.

What happened:

The camoflauge suit I was saving for when I would be able to wear it (Seeing how I use a female model) just vanished. This also happened to my ghillie suit I was saving awhile ago.

Where you were:

Around Gorka.

What you were doing:

Looting a Barn.

*Current installed version:


*Server(s) you were on:

I was changing a lot due to it failing to load. It could have happened on any server. I was on Atlanta Nine when I noticed.

*Your system specs:

I do not know.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

-I give my friend my other camoflauge suit.

-We chnge servers and he is teleported to the ocean.

-I raid Gorka.

-When I return later I find it missing.

-I return to my tent ad browse the forums, realizingI can make a bug report.

If anything, I would just like one of the two suits I lost, returned. Preferably the ghilie suit.

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