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Looking for a friend

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Hey all, im an experienced DayZ lone wolf player and now im looking for a partner to find vehicles make a camp with etc, i can play on day or night servers doesent matter to me.

Some info:I live in Canada, GMT-6, im 16, ive played dayz since mid-may, current location ingame is outside Elektro.

Current Loadout:Full toolkit, Nightvision, Rangefinder, Coyote Backpack, MK.48, PDW, ghillie suit, I am willing to giveaway whatever you need.

I am looking for someone around my age, it doesent matter to me if you started playing dayz yesterday and are a complete noob i will help you out :)

If anybody is interested add me on skype



Edited by Robert1225

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Hey :). Do you find 18 years old to be close enough to your age? :). I can be a great ally! While I don't have much experience with DayZ, aside from watching a TON of videos (As well as having a Bandage to patch someone up, if he/she gets injured), I just bought it recently, and would like to help out :). By the way, I don't have a map, so I'm not sure where "Elektro" is ^_^'. I'm in the USA, at -5 or -6 Central Time (I think). It's 10:19 PM over here, and I may have to DC soon, to get to sleep, so I can go to College tomorrow, but I can still handle about an hour or so :).

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