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Player: "Jason" Hacker ,teleporting behind you to kill you,Godmod,Speedhack,Spawnhack

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I just played DayZ alone on a public server and then this guy named Jason joined the game..

I was searching for crashed helicopters with my m429Saw.

I was crouching and then i heard someone crouch too.

Then i saw this guy with nightvision,an axe and camo clothing.

I wanted to say friendly but then i realised that he wantet to kill me and that he just teleportet himself to my position...

I shoot him with 15 Bullets in the upper body and head area and he didn´t die..

then i tried to alt+f4 because he got an God mod installed and i couldn´t do anything but it didn´t worked -.-.-.-

And he was using a speedhack or something because i was running away at full speed and he was faster then me and still able to hit me with the axe.

then he landed a hit on my, i passed out and bääm i´m dead and i wont play DayZ again in the near future and i think that you all now why...

So, if you see a guy named Jason just switch the server or try to record him

Heres a list of the hacks he is using



-Weaponspawn programm



To Jason : Dick move bro.. try to play the game on a full server when you are bored. I hope you get banned forever and i hope (believe) your life sucks balls lol

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-Weaponspawn programm

Just because he has hatchet, nv and camo? Sounds ridiculous to me.

Also without server info, this post is just digital trash.

Edited by CaptainBigSmoke

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Piece o' advice. When heli site hunting, leave your primary back in your tents. You will find a new gun soon enough and the pistol is sufficient to deal with zeds. On the plus side, if you get ganked you won't lose anything established and it leaves more room for grabbing that extra M14 or whatever. It's what I do and it works well.

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No.. because he just spawned right next to me in the middle of a huge and flat field at nighttime.

And havent heard footsteps but i heard him crouching.

And that wasnt his normal spawnpoint because he joined the server 5 minutes before he appeared right next to me..

And he survived 15 shoots!!!

+ he was faster then me and thats impossible because i was fully rested and he was trying to hit me and you cant sprint and hit your target at the same time...

And i had no tents :D

I had everything in my backback :D

So no one is able to steal it out of my tents.. but this is just stupid.. i didnt even shoot one person and i rescued a large amoung of people -.- DayZ hates me :D

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My number one priority when starting a new hive character is to track down a tent and set up a camp, everything else is secondary. Once it's up, you can start doing Stary/Heli/NWAF runs to start filling it with goodies. When I have enough stuff to restock about 4 lives then I hunt. Then rinse and repeat. I have fun that way, but I guess it's not for everyone.

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