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Just Romance

Medic looking for fellow survivors

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As the title suggests, I'm looking for a group of fellow survivors to play DayZ with, I haven't killed another player since I've started playing and I've only helped others since then. I would like to expand the group I play with to around 4-6 people considering 3 is such a small number and we can easily be taken down. If you're interested in joining me and my two friends, please reply with your Skype and we can talk more in depth over voice chat.

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Me and my friend are very new if your willing to help us I'm sure we could help you out ? :)

Skypes are Me (Jacob) - Nupcase Mark - Griggsy_ftw

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Hey Romance,

I've been playing DayZ for a while now and going lone-wolf status. Trying to find a good group to play with on the forums. If you and your lot are game, I would play with you guys. Could help out with the medical stuff if needed or work on whichever member you guys are needing in the group. My skype name is 'albinopygmy'. If you guys are interested in playing, hit me up and ask me whatever.

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Add me: RagingDinosuar <--- Copy and paste that it is spelt wrong because the other one i forgot the password of.

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I'd love to jump in if you guys aren't full just yet my skype is Thibrockr just msg me if you'd have me.

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As of yesterday, I'm a hero now~ I'll be adding you all on Skype, mine is just.romance

Edited by Just Romance

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