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The Cleveland Steamer

Everyone loves a Cleveland Steamer

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Been playing Dayz for about 2 weeks now, and I'm really interested in finding a base of operations within an existing clan. Be it Survivor or Bandit I swing either way, as the game is fun as hell no matter what I'm attempting to do. I live in the US on the West Coast and I work a regular 9 to 5 job. I'm also a family man with 2 kids so my play time is fairly casual. I have a working Mic and TS3, even a web cam if you really wanna go there. I havent accomplished a whole helluva lot in game, other than finding some decent gear and dying shortly after...over and over and over. This is exactly the kind of game, or mod, or alpha, that I've always wanted to play and I can see myself getting into it and becoming a key member of any group that I might find myself in. Anyone out there willing to bring me into their ranks just PM me or respond right here in this grand thread of mine.

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