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Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

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Hello as the title says I am looking to make a uk/eu clan which will bring people of the similar time zone together in order to make the game more fun and exciting.

The clan will be a mixture of surviving and also pvp game play I believe that a bit of competitive pvp makes the game way more fun (not killing noobs for the fun of it). The reason why I say uk/eu is because of the time zone don't get me wrong I like playing with people from all over the world but it just makes it a lot harder to get everyone on at the same time expectantly the weekdays.

The way we will be communicating will be skype and I hear that you can put quite a lot of people in one group call so size won't really matter and the main reason for skype is that I don't have a head set (and I know what you're saying who the hell plays pc games without a head set) but from now and till Christmas I will be using the skype app on my phone. Sorry if this is an inconvenience for you.


16 year and older

skype (with some form of mic)

some gear but is not required but really needs a map for navigation

Knowledge of the game but is not required but extremely recommended.



Steam name (if you use often):

Skype name:

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot)

Any gear you may wish to state:

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature):

Any days where you play most?:

Are you available weekdays and weekends?:

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?:

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.)

Thank you for viewing this thread and i hope to see some of you ingame.

Edited by NatNat42
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Age: 18

Steam name (if you use often): sheenas

Skype name: adamek009627

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot) I can snipe :)

Any gear you may wish to state: not at this time

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 8-(6)?

Any days where you play most?:Everyday

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Whole week

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Iv'e played for some time now. Im not so good but i need someone to tell me this and that. Im fast learner so there wont be any problems with the ingame skills.

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Age: 18

Steam name (if you use often): sheenas

Skype name: adamek009627

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot) I can snipe :)

Any gear you may wish to state: not at this time

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 8-(6)?

Any days where you play most?:Everyday

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Whole week

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Iv'e played for some time now. Im not so good but i need someone to tell me this and that. Im fast learner so there wont be any problems with the ingame skills.

I'v added you on skype there where a lot of results for your steam so im not sure which one it is

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I'v added you on skype there where a lot of results for your steam so im not sure which one it is

I did not get any notofications about skype invitation.

Maybe i will add you? Just give me your skype name on PM.

On steam my name is "Sheenas" nothing more so maybe try again :)

Edited by Sheenas

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Skype:Nat-strat42 ye iv had this problem before with other people the only way its worked is if i call them

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If anyone is interested in joining just add me on steam that is what i use to chat to people in the team and to other people etc. just fill in the application add me then when im on just send me a message saying you applied and ill have a look if i haven't already

Steam: NatNat42

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Age: 14 coming 15

Steam name (if you use often): ryan_numnuts

Skype name: ryan.millar1991

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot): I will do literally anything is mainly requested

Any gear you may wish to state: Makarov and AK

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 9 tend to chat of topic now and again

Any days where you play most?: Anytime

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Yes will inform if not available

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Just about a Month (Been teaming up with other partners so got experience controls)

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) : Glasgow, Scotland

Edited by ryantacco

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Age: 14 coming 15

Steam name (if you use often): ryan_numnuts

Skype name: ryan.millar1991

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot): I will do literally anything is mainly requested

Any gear you may wish to state: Makarov and AK

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 9 tend to chat of topic now and again

Any days where you play most?: Anytime

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Yes will inform if not available

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Just about a Month (Been teaming up with other partners so got experience controls)

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) : Glasgow, Scotland

Ok iv added you on skype and I think on steam

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So here my application:

Age: 22

Steam name (if you use often): Muffuil

Skype name: Muffuil

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot): I can fly a bit, and know how to snipe (allthough i wouldnt like beeing a Sniper^^)

Any gear you may wish to state: atm not

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 8

Any days where you play most?: No

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Most likely Yes, but i dont have a regular time

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: I play this game fpr quite a while now, had pretty much everything you can have, and have seen a lot of stuff, so Yes

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) Germany

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So here my application:

Age: 22

Steam name (if you use often): Muffuil

Skype name: Muffuil

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot): I can fly a bit, and know how to snipe (allthough i wouldnt like beeing a Sniper^^)

Any gear you may wish to state: atm not

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 8

Any days where you play most?: No

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Most likely Yes, but i dont have a regular time

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: I play this game fpr quite a while now, had pretty much everything you can have, and have seen a lot of stuff, so Yes

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) Germany

Just need to add you on skype then we can meet up in dayz

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Age: 20

Steam name (if you use often): Jamiemaclauchlan453

Skype name: Yuudai151

Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot) Sniper ;)

Any gear you may wish to state: Gps,as50

Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): 7-8

Any days where you play most?: No

Are you available weekdays and weekends?: Yes

How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Been playing almost a month, teamed up with some irl friends and played games like this since i was like 15 :).

Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) Uk.

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