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UK666 - Only The Brave Survive Private Hive

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Added both to Steam, Vanter has been given access after steam convo, welcome aboard :)

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Hey, I'm looking for a good server, yours seems to be nice. Can I have the password? P.S. I live in Denmark.

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Enjoying the server me and my group just got our first jeep runing, hope we find some engine parts soon its a bit on the red side XD just hope we see some more people on soon

Good luck with that,for us finding engine parts is a bit like looking for the holey grail :)

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Would be happy to play on that server seems quality have also few friends that might play on it too! If you can sent me a PM of pw

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hello iHurtZ here, i have been looking for a private hive for a while now. I would like to join the server if possible :) be aware tho.. i am a bandit that doesn't really show much mercy ^^

anyways i would to join and i might have a small squad joining to, if i can get them convinced. hope you reply with a password soon.

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I have given a lot of people the pw, but I'm not seeing much of them online. I'll be waiting to see if they arrive because it is only a 30 slot atm. So I will keep you lot in line for a pw if they fail to show up!

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I think I have messaged everyone who asked, if anyone else would like to play, just add me on steam or send me your steam ID and we can talk about you getting access, thanks!

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Were having some issues with the server this evening guys, apologies for this. I'm not happy about the support from our host either.

Possibly going to get another host after this!

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Please be aware, there are database issues with our host, use the server at your own risk for the time being. Not a happy chap right now!

Edited by MinDBlanK

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