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Recruiting 4 players [EU] and [US] only

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We are are looking for 4 players

Aged 17+ only

We have the following

  • TeamSpeak Server
  • DayZ Server

We are looking for dedicated clan members who want to squad up with our current team and play DayZ the more the merrier we like doing Raids, PVP, Vehicle Hunting and so on.

if you are interested please PM me or post on this topic for our TeamSpeak details.


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Is there a way to use team speak on a iphone at the moment I am using my skype app to communicate on dayz

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?? I'm sorry im not blessed with the money to purchase a headset as iv only just bought a computer but you can get a teamspeak app but you have to pay for it

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Aside from the previous comments i'm actually interested in the group mentioned above so if you'd have me just pm me, thanks

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