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I'd like to see possibility to combine two near-empty shot-clips added to DayZ.

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I'd like to see possibility to combine two near-empty shot-clips added to DayZ.

I mean - if i have two shot-clips with 16 and 20 rounds, why i can't make one full 30 rounds shot clip and one 6 round shot clip? It's seems sensibly.

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agreed, there should be a 're-organise ammo' option, to condense half filled clips into full clips.

even if it meant manually doing it it is something that we'd all do if we could.

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The capabilitiy to convert ammo exists, four 2 round slug into one 8 round slug, as well as a sniper conversion which I can't recall off hand. Wouldn't matter too much even if the excess bullets were lost, having half empty magazines is rather annoying, especially since if you accidently reload, or switch weapons and lose your half spent mag out of the gun, you cannot easily reload that magazine without a lot of hassle dropping the empty mag and loading the rest into y9our bag to then pick up the half spent mag and load it.

Edited by Haruto

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Sure. But it should take time. Anyone who has loaded an M16 mag knows it takes about a minute to put 30 rounds in a clip by hand (without zipper strips and a speed loader). In almost all video games it's like you have a pool of ammo and each clip instantly takes from it. Not realistic.

Although, I think everyone would think it tedious after a while.

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Doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you have the option. If your in a safe location you could choose to convert your ammo into the same mag to conserve space without dropping perfectly good rounds. If you are attacked while reloading during this time you would naturally drop soem rounds, thus destroying the half spent ammunition as it would then be loose rounds on the ground rather then a proper magazine. Therefore time spent to convert the rounds together, and the risk of losing them all if you suddenly get jumped by a walker.

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Doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you have the option. If your in a safe location you could choose to convert your ammo into the same mag to conserve space without dropping perfectly good rounds. If you are attacked while reloading during this time you would naturally drop soem rounds, thus destroying the half spent ammunition as it would then be loose rounds on the ground rather then a proper magazine. Therefore time spent to convert the rounds together, and the risk of losing them all if you suddenly get jumped by a walker.

I understand completely. But do you want to sit next to a tree and take 2 to 3 minutes to load 3 mags of m4 in a video game/sim?

EDIT: It would have to be instant or close to it to keep the kiddies interested. They have the attention span of cats.

Edited by thebirdolux

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Should ust be a flat rate of "x" seconds per round going into a larger clip/magazine. If it takes too long to be worth your time then you have no reason to bother using it. But for those who don't mind spending a little time taking better control of their ammunition, it would make for a great addition. If people can stick around thru being knocked unconsious, killed and re-supplying, and simply trekking thru the woods to get where they need to go, then whats another thing to wait for that helps everyone.

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I understand completely. But do you want to sit next to a tree and take 2 to 3 minutes to load 3 mags of m4 in a video game/sim?

EDIT: It would have to be instant or close to it to keep the kiddies interested. They have the attention span of cats.

F#*k the kiddies. no offence

Edited by John Spectre

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Conserving ammo is good practice, Some of us have served with our countries and had to do this anyway. Why not just have this happen when you log out? Not before leaving the game / Mod, but it could be an action your character does when Your not playing. Your characver doesnt sleep either so Is it safe to assume you do this after you log?

Auto ammo refil was removed (the mechanic is there) why not just delete a Magazine and have ammo organised? (Ammo count permitting)

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