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Elektro Fire Station levelled, dead bodies everywhere

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So me and my friend were making our way to Elektro from Cherno along the power lines (note 1 other guy on the server at this point), when we come over the crest and I see the fire station in the power station north of elektro has been levelled to the ground, with heaps of holes in the ground surrounding it, and about 10 or so dead survivor bodies. My first thought is that a hacker spawned everyone in the area, then artillery shelled the place (not sure if that's still possible but I've heard about it happening). The other guy on the server we knew to be either in Cherno or around Cherno, as we saw him earlier, so we thought we'd check out the dead bodies so my friend goes down while I set up a sniper position. He's checking out the bodies, gets to body number 5 or so, and I note a new guy on the server as I've been checking every 30 seconds or so. About 30 seconds after noting this guy on the server, my friend dies. Neither of us heard a gun shot and he said their was no "snap", as when a bullet goes close to you, his bones just broke and he died.

So, I'm wondering whether there is any legit reason why the building could've collapsed, or if it's purely a hacker.

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If the surrounding ground was pounded then likely a hacked in arty strike or bombing run, its possible to take down buildings with satchel charges but it would take a fair few well placed to do the firestation and you probably wouldnt have all the dead players around it.

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Someone finding or duping a bunch of satchel charges and then blowing up the fire station is plausible. But all the bodies being there means it was either a hacker who spawned them there before blowing everything up or some sort of mass cult suicide.

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Wrecked building such as the fire station can also kill you exactly as you described, me and a group were checking out the firesation on a server were it had been leveled and it killed two of us just because we got too close to the ruins.

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You know...you come to the conclusion its a hacker and say "HUH BILL, WANNA CHECK IT OUT?"

Most likely: Yes

Could've been a group with a heli, crashed in into the buildings, maybe one guy survived and logged out witha silenced weapon in the area, saw your dumbass friend and popped him. Maybe a bandit saw the bodies, layed a trap.

Possibilities are endless here.

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The bodies could have already been there. You are talking about Elektro here. The office building usually has something like 40 bodies in it at any given time on a high-pop server.

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Thanks for the input guys. Just a few things,

1. There was only 2 other guys on the server when my friend died, 1 we knew was in or around Cherno, the other signed in 30 seconds before my mate died, so no bandit camping out the ruins.

2. My friend was actually away from the ruins when he died, he was basically on the road on the north side, so teh ruins couldn't have killed him.

3. Heli crash would have left a wreckage - there was none, also there were 8-12 bodies in my line of sight alone, when a chopper can only carry 6.

So at the moment, the most likely, and I emphasise MOST LIKELY, there are still other possibilities, is that a hacker spawned the server to the firestation then did an arty strike, then came back later to check on it.

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