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Make EVERY weapon a lot harder to find.

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It's now a fact; there are too many weapons in the game. I think that there should be much less, as it would have many positive effects on the game. For example:

Increase in group behaviour

With lack of weapons, comes more interesting experiences! What happens if you're all alone without a weapon, and you meet someone else who is also unarmed? You're forced to team up! Imagine going through a town full of zombies, weapon-less, scared and forced to use tactics. Survivors will be forced to gather up into large groups, with only a few having weapons, forcing people to rely upon one another.

A greater feeling when finding weapons!

Right now when you find weapons such as a winchester or a crossbow you would usually pass it up. This should be completely different.. When a player finds a weapon they should be overjoyed, as if they have found salvation!

Increased realism

Lets face it, we're in chernarus. This isn't some sort of giant military country where every building has some sort of rifle inside. In reality there won't be the luxury of having a CZ50 in random barns, or an AK47 in a random airport hangar. There are too many players running around with guns which seem to be appearing out of thin air. Military weapons are also very common, and they should be EXTREMELY rare.

Better gameplay entirely

Removing the amount of weapons would lower banditry, encourage teamwork and create immersive gameplay! Imagine a small group of three survivors going through a town armed with 1 glock, and a flashlight. They would have to rely entirely on the man with a glock!

Thats just my take on it, I do believe that lowering weapon spawn rates drastically would improve the game and realism. If you have any criticism or any improvements then post below. I'm interested in your opinions on this.

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No, really no. This is the kind of suggestion that backfires in a way or another. Someone came up with something similar but slightly more clever. Like attaching global murder ratio and loot amount/quality. In the end, it would be a matter of playing more and more hours than others, and once you get some good stuff prepare to mass murder all those poor makarov powered souls.

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The usual hurr durr, people have hunting rifles in the counryside. Dont see much of a problem with long time players having better weapons, since they wouldnt waste them on unarmed people now, much of the PvP happens just because people wont take the risk of getting shot by a starter with a Makarov. No makarov, no real need to kill the guy, just maybe rob him.

swift, he isnt talking about DMR's, it's about the 1 shot killers Winchesters.

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The usual hurr durr' date=' people have hunting rifles in the counryside. Dont see much of a problem with long time players having better weapons, since they wouldnt waste them on unarmed people now, much of the PvP happens just because people wont take the risk of getting shot by a starter with a Makarov. No makarov, no real need to kill the guy, just maybe rob him.


swift, he isnt talking about DMR's, it's about the 1 shot killers Winchesters.

So, let's encourage gold farming tactics as main game mechanic? Even more?

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The usual hurr durr' date=' people have hunting rifles in the counryside. Dont see much of a problem with long time players having better weapons, since they wouldnt waste them on unarmed people now, much of the PvP happens just because people wont take the risk of getting shot by a starter with a Makarov. No makarov, no real need to kill the guy, just maybe rob him.


swift, he isnt talking about DMR's, it's about the 1 shot killers Winchesters.

So, let's encourage gold farming tactics as main game mechanic? Even more?

The whole game is basically hoarding shit, what did you expect? It's kinda hard to farm something that's random and rare, but whatever

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oh yea more harder than 0' date='19% for a DMR ? LOL B*tch plz.


At what point in the thread did I mention anything being rarer than a DMR?

No' date=' really no. This is the kind of suggestion that backfires in a way or another. Someone came up with something similar but slightly more clever. Like attaching global murder ratio and loot amount/quality. In the end, it would be a matter of playing more and more hours than others, and once you get some good stuff prepare to mass murder all those poor makarov powered souls.


I understand what you're saying, but you've kind of misunderstood my point. We're talking more about realism and immersion here, not 'mass murdering makarov powered souls'. My point was to lower weapon spawn chances since there are too many in the game, and that lowering them will encourage teamwork and tactics.

In the next update Rocket is planning on removing makarovs on spawn and perhaps wiping items so we have to start again. Sure there will be the odd few bandits, but not everyone is going to shoot an unarmed man which you seem to think.

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I would like to see stronger weapons much, much, harder to find. I don't mind to see scoped weapons gone too.

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Fix the ammo bug (where u log off with 2 rounds in it then log back on and ta da! full magazine again) and make the regular ammo rarer. You can have a zillion guns but they're uselss without bullets. Make ammo rarer.

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> We're talking more about realism and immersion here

And I'm talking about what's going to happen, most of the time. Anything better to do in this mod than busting other players? No.

> not everyone is going to shoot an unarmed man which you seem to think.

Do you want to bet? ^^ Do you really think people will be unarmed for long time? I predict massive player loss in that case.

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> We're talking more about realism and immersion here

And I'm talking about what's going to happen' date=' most of the time. Anything better to do in this mod than busting other players? No.

Team up with other players, repair a vehicle. Decreasing the spawn rate in general would encourage this.


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I'm not entirely sure about reducing weapons spawns to the rate you suggest. Infact, maybe just less ammo?

I'd however agree that higher-end equipment could use with being rarer, and perhaps better distributed spawns. It's not about "Oh, I found an M14 in a BARN" it's a case of "I wonder who left this here..."

We'd really have to see what zombies are like when they're fully and intentionally functioning. Right now I need plenty of mags beause the things run so damned fast! It would feel unfair to have to hit a zombie-blur and not be given a reasonable amount of ammo to do so.

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or at leasy make some of the more common weapons harder to find

But I like filling lone Alice Packs with makarovs mags and 1911's...

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I am a fairly new player, but I would stop playing if I would lose my trusty makarov. It's the only thing saving me if a zombie spots me (since a winchester makes too damn much noise >.<), and is also the only thing saving me from getting killed if I meet other players. I want something to defend myself with.

Right now I like the degree of difficulty. The zombie AI could be better, which would make things a tad harder, but anything more than that and things would get really frustrating for players just starting off.

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I like this for everything but the Makarov.

I'm in favor of removing the starting weapon, but making Makarovs more common than they currently are. So, making all weapons more rare might be a problem for that.

How about we just move the loot rarity up? Make some of those Winchester and Enfields spawn makarovs, and move those weapons up in rarity? The military loot could get even MORE rare (Remove them from Deerstands), and the Enfields/Winchesters of the world would become more highly coveted.

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