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Banned for looting items from dead body.

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Hello, earlier today i looted a dead body and i picked up alot of items from it such as NV Goggles, Rangefinders, and pretty much everything that can go on a toolbelt including a radio and I also picked up a PDW SD and just now i joined another server and Im globally banned for having the Radio and the PDW. I may understand the radio because ive never even seen it before but the PDW? I've found that weapon before in a firestation i dont understand why i'd get banned for that. But pllease if possible may the ban be removed I had an innocent mind at the time of the ban, I have never hacked this game nor will I ever, I love this game too much to spoil the fun like that anways.

I appreciate your time, Thank you.

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You didn't pick up a PDW-SD in a loot pile in DayZ. And if you're banned globally from ALL DayZ servers it's sure not because you picked up some hacked items.

Edit: You didn't pick up a PDW-SD that spawned legitimately in a loot pile in DayZ. Someone might have dropped one there and taken something better, but however you came across it, it's not a legitimate weapon in game. And if you're banned globally from ALL DayZ servers it's sure not because you picked up some hacked items.

Edited by DrainBamaged

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Global Banned? then deal with http://battleye.com/support.html

If your banned on an Local Server --> Try to contact the Server Admin.

If you want to get Forum Banned just open more Thread called banned with the same things to say :)



Delete 2 of them , or all 3 becouse --> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/ like you say in one of the thread you are Global banned...

Do not Post Global Ban Appeals and read Stickies...

Edited by Paddy0610
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