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Getting banned from a server to protect players?

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Note! - This is not a ban appeal! This is just to show how pathetic admin's have become.

So me and my friend "The Joker" are sat around electro as bandits do when several players announce to the entire server they are in Otmel. Some other players with a car reply and say they will help them as they are new.

Me and the Joker decide this is the opportunity of a life time to nail these guys. We arrive at Otmel with about 2 minutes to spare before the truck load of players arrive. We begin nailing the with our enfields for the fun of it. I drop one with a clean headshot and then my brother, the Joker is taken down.

I move in closer, and begin opening fire, scaring them all. They panic.

I sneak around them and pinch the truck, the server admin was the guy a destroyed with my enfeild, he then bans me for putting his head above my fire place on a mantle.

The server is called "WWW.10-78.com"

Name'd and Shamed.

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Was ready to jump down your throat for being d-bags but it seems they brought it on themselves this time by using side chat. I used to be up in arms about bandits but DayZ is so fucking boring now I'm starting to understand it.

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