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Dubbs Malone

Banned from CA1

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I was apparently banned for racism for saying, "I bet the Jews did this."

I didn't even see a list of rules.

Jews aren't even a race.

Enjoy your stay on other servers! :)

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Funny, the only people defending the server act like giant twats.

Seems to be a trend.

Join the server if you're a twat.

Get banned if you aren't.

Joke server, stay away.

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Funny, the only people defending the server act like giant twats.

Seems to be a trend.

Join the server if you're a twat.

Get banned if you aren't.

Joke server, stay away.


People against:

KarinjaNinja: Doesn't know who admin is, thinks a clan that's better than him is hacking (note: this server is not operated by a clan, there are several clans that play here and I interact with the 3 English speaking ones)

:Vader: Says the server is trash and full of hackers because he got banned months ago from being on when the server was thunderdomed.

Aadic: Tells me I am the most immature little kid he has ever run across. Then proceeds to use the "I know you are but what am I" line and then claims to be in his forties. Then agrees with me when i explain what is going on, and then calls me too sensitive for removing hate speech from my server.

Pomegranate used hate speech on my server and then as if you need a list of rules to be respectful of other people said he didn't see one and then says "Jews aren't even a race"

ChardWreck: Thinks I'm banned from the public hive when I am not and never have been.

People For:

ukmac: Knows its a Private Hive, says complaining here won't help them. Replies in kind to "Aadic"'s I know you are but what am I comment. Continues to childlishly fight with "Aadic" across multiple threads. And wraps up with a comment about "playing with his wife".

The only common trend here is that, whatever your ages are, you are all acting like children.

What am I doing here? Defending myself against the attackers in this thread.

I can confidently say my CA1* is the most innovative and hacker free public server that exists and that people who pollute the server such as the complainers in this thread are quickly removed and this provides the ultimate DayZ experience for all my players.

I left the public hive when the lag from it was unbearable. I come here to provide an accurate portrayal of the server lest the only picture that gets painted be that from the scum that get banned from it.

*There is another server with the name "DayZ - CA1 - Private Hive" which appears to be trying to steal my thunder or just simply server browser `list jump`. My server follows the standard DayZ naming convention with the version, beta, and settings in the hostname.

Edited by CA1Admin

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You were acting immature. It's not a claim, it's a fact. When dealing with someone like UK, you have to talk at a level they understand. When you posted exactly the deal was it made sense, was just saying "I got it". Didn't see any hate speech what so ever.

So, you began the "childish behavior" with your first post, if you would have just said what you did in post 14 in post 4.

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hi there admin i dont know if i have been banned if i have i dont know why because i never hack also i dont talk on side chat if i have been banned please unban me i love your server. my character name is drake

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I'll respond to this when I ca get home and multiquote easier.

It'll be better that way so I can actually show you why you and uk are twats.

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Today i was banned for leaving the game during a fight. The server would restart and i left the server. When it was online, I was banned for having left the server. CA1 Admin, help me please :(

Sorry my english :|

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You guys are seriously fighting with some guy on the internet? Leave him, soon he'll fuck up with the server and everyone will leave it, then he will regret what he's done

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I recommend CA1, nice player base and the admin keeps the trash out.

Also, the reason I banned you is because you asked over global voice chat you dumb fuck.

PS: KarinjaNinja, I don't alt+f4,maybe you saw one of the 3-4 other players that play under the "Gabriel"?

This is your very first post in the thread, OP wasn't aggressive at all and didn't deserve a response like that.

rofl get off my dick Vader

Stooping down to someones level doesn't make you any better than them, it makes you just as bad.

Its a Private Server Dayz Can not do anything about it .... MORONS

First post in the thread, and it has an insult. Not to mention this is a ban appeal not a server report.

........................................................................ I was calling the Cry baby's morons ,Because they where reporting private servers but that's ok if you need the attention i give you a little....

Again, this would have been in the server report section if it was actually a server report.

ok time to go play with my wife see ya ...

Are we even going to argue about this being immature?

Never banned from the hive son.

You're being condescending here.

You guys are seriously fighting with some guy on the internet? Leave him, soon he'll fuck up with the server and everyone will leave it, then he will regret what he's done

I mean, personally it's entertaining to me. I don't have a dog in this race.

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Gabriel is the most shitty admin you could get and the server was good until he banned all my friends

I got banned today because i had friends sniping a guy who was searching body.... then some sort of bug happened and i spawned at my previous body with exactly the same gear in a downed condition.. i couldn't do anything i just laid there with 2000 blood and grey screen.... the guy who was looting my dead body accused me for hacking... after my ban my friends stood up for me and told you (GABRIEL) that they shot him, and you banned them for being my friends. from Electric Turtle and larrinator, Danzor, Magnus. thanks alot for ruining me and my friend all day effort to get gear.

i had fun on your server until now.



Got banned today because me and some friends where friends of one you thought was a hacker. electric-turtle was his name btw... It's an honor to be called hackers since we do not hack, then we take it as a sign that you believe we are too good in playing dayZ :D but anyways, why did you ban people that said they was his friend?? Thats not right at all... I do really want to get back on you server, it was a nice server after all, and I did like it ;) I can promise you one thing: NONE OF US DOES HACK!

-larrinator :)

Just saying never go on that server and it is so many hackers there it is not even funny to play -.-

And i got banned

And i got banned because my game stopped and they said i combat logged and on the server rule he is not saying that is not allowed ether.

And the last my friend Werto got banned because he asked to unban me abd his reason was "distracted" him and Admin/Gabriel should have answer him instead he banned him.

And I'll say it again, do not go into this server '

Edited by laLe

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From the admins response i would never play on their server. You are a immature prick and i hope people stay away from your server.

Im so glad i am whitelisted on mydayz.de so i don't have to deal with pricks like you CA1

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I recommend CA1, nice player base and the admin keeps the trash out.

Also, the reason I banned you is because you asked over global voice chat you dumb fuck.

PS: KarinjaNinja, I don't alt+f4,maybe you saw one of the 3-4 other players that play under the "Gabriel"?

such a nice server admin...

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