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Suggestions for improving infected behaviour.

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The undead are not really much of a danger unless you aggro whole towns. If you aproach a small village carefully and pick of the obvious roamers its almost too easy. Just adding numbers would also increase server load... bad for everyone.

Thats why i thought about some (simple?? dunno) changes to the behaviour of the existing zombis to make them more of a challenge.

1. Zombis "play dead". We already have some corpses lying around certain areas. If some of the zombis had a chance of spawning lying on the ground and only aggroing when they hear / see something, players would have to be more careful when they aproach a settlement. You would never know if those corpses there are really dead (as in killed by another player that passed through) or just undead waiting to kill you.

2. Zombis "hide". If i read the patch notes right there will be a chance that zombis spawn inside buildings. Sounds great. But what if those zombis would spawn around corners? You would have to check corners really quickly to avoid getting jumped. To make this harder:

3. Zombis can be quiet. Not all Zombis should moan and make noise all the time. Most Zombi movies use this to make the dramatic shock moment when the camera pans around and shows the protagonist is suddenly surrounded by monsters he couldnt hear creep up on him. It wouldnt be as extreme as this as you would keep the footsteps obviously..

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i like the above ideas ,

i would also like to see zombies react to sound in a difrent manner, now if you fire off a gun every zombie in range rushes you , my idea would be to have them walk to where they heard the shot, how close they get to the firing location depends on how far they where from the sound,

ones that where close to the sound point walk right to the location(even if its in a building), longer ranges have them stop within sight of the soundpoint ,if the zombie sees you they attack as normal,

the alerted zombies heading to the sound point could have heightend senses to spot people better as they are alert and looking for prey.also if this idea is implemented weapon sound range should be increased

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