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M107 TWS

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I just found a M107 TWS of a dead player and i'm not sure if it's a banned weapon. Is it or is it not?

Edited by Majoren

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Server can and should give you an individual server ban, you can not get a global ban. If it is anything like the AS50 thermal newb cannon you should drop it in the name of fair play or forever be known as cheap player shooting people with a one shot thermal scope.

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Just leave it in a bush somewhere or destroy it and sleep soundly knowing you are a legit player.

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Screw the nay sayers and get out on Elektro hill!

If the military didn't issue weapons that level the playing field on your enemeys. You and I would be picking the weapons off there dead bodys. Thats life but this, is a video game. SO HAVE SOME DAMN FUN!!!!!

Edited by RyBo

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Screw the nay sayers and get out on Elektro hill!

If the military didn't issue weapons that level the playing field on your enemeys. You and I would be picking the weapons off there dead bodys. Thats life but this, is a video game. SO HAVE SOME DAMN FUN!!!!!

Spending the better part of my afternoon dying to "people having fun" isn't very fun. There's a difference in having fun, and having fun at everyone's expense. You get your kicks either way, but only one path makes you a giant dick.

Edited by RaysGoodLiquor
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