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North West - Epic Z-Spawn!!

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LoL! you have played dayz long enough to get satchels and kill hackers, and have 119 posts on the forums, yet you don't know what god mode is? and its not like the term god mode was coined in the DayZ community... you sir are just a simple idiot. GG!

Omg, do you think i go around and ask people what god mode is? Do you think i look around and look what god mode is? I don't care what ever the hacker use for program or something they use. I play the dayz and just try to ignore em as hard as i can..

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it is impossible to post more than 2 replies on this board without coming across a hacker QQ thread, and the word GOD MODE popping in.

God Mode as a term has been in the game industry since forever, and it means unkillable/does not receive damage. Any 6yo knows this. So by this you are either incredibly retarded, a hacker who's trying and failing badly at saying he isn't, or a troll with the IQ of a squirrel.


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it is impossible to post more than 2 replies on this board without coming across a hacker QQ thread, and the word GOD MODE popping in.

God Mode as a term has been in the game industry since forever, and it means unkillable/does not receive damage. Any 6yo knows this. So by this you are either incredibly retarded, a hacker who's trying and failing badly at saying he isn't, or a troll with the IQ of a squirrel.


Either i don't care what the hacker use or so. I got a high IQ so don't even try. Why should i be interested in what the hacker use and does? I just try to play the game and have fun .. You sir need to grow up. Try to post a single post without trying to offend someone.. If you can post more then 100 post without offended something i would be impress but that would never happend.

Follow this advice. Be nice to when you make a post and say they can do that and that instead of make a insult..

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Either i don't care what the hacker use or so. I got a high IQ so don't even try. Why should i be interested in what the hacker use and does? I just try to play the game and have fun .. You sir need to grow up. Try to post a single post without trying to offend someone.. If you can post more then 100 post without offended something i would be impress but that would never happend.

Follow this advice. Be nice to when you make a post and say they can do that and that instead of make a insult..

Your grammar and vocabulary skills really makes your high IQ shine like a beacon in the night...

Don't worry though bro, this will help you out some:

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Your grammar and vocabulary skills really makes your high IQ shine like a beacon in the night...

Don't worry though bro, this will help you out some:

Your grammar and vocabulary skills really makes your high IQ shine like a beacon in the night...

Don't worry though bro, this will help you out some:

I don't really care about my english grammar.. I know that people understand me as i type and as i speak with my english friend. Im from sweden ;P I don't say that i got very very high IQ but enough IQ to think with my brain and not my ass as some people do in this thread.

They see the hacked weapons and in 0,1 seconds they think im a hacker. Before they type/say anything they should think, not just acuse me for being a hacker, i could possible playing on my own server/not hive and just try them out. But as i said, i looted em from another player but if everyone would think with they brain and not their ass they could just make a post and say like

"Hey, i think it's better if you destroy/remove those weapons and play with orginial weapons in DayZ. You are destroy the fun in the game and it much better if you just get them away."

Just something that are positive and not negitive aswell as insulting.. Think with your brains .. -.-'

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Oi retard, again, no one at first said you are a hacker, only that you have hacked in weapons and should get rid of them. Try, I know it's hard, but try to understand that.


"Think with your brains .."

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Calm down kids it's only a game.

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