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ZAS is looking for new members

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ZAS Recruitment .

If you havn't seen our previous recruitment posts, we are a UK based clan with 30+ members ranging from 16+ years of age and people from around the world, we are a semi-serious clan who loves to play DayZ and even play other games on the side. If you are bored playing on your own then we are the clan for you, we dont mind if your a well skilled player or just starting it out, we will help you anyway.

All you need to do to apply to need to meet certain requirements:

You Need to Be Atleast 15

Have a Mic and Teamspeak

Be Mature and Respectful

And Most Importantly...Have Fun!

  • Name

  • In-game Name

  • Age

  • Location

  • What Games you Play

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming

  • Why do you want to join?

please post your aplication in the comments below

The application will be either read by me or one of the senior members of the clan, One in the Teamspeak details are on the site. Happy Hunting :D

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  • Name: Jens

  • In-game Name: Gunz0r

  • Age: 22

  • Location: Belgium

  • What Games you Play: Dayz, Battlefield 3, WoW, evony

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Dayz: 2months, gaming: 9years.

  • Why do you want to join? I'm starting to play more dayz again and i'm looking for a solid group of people based in europe..

My skype: Tepel4556

Edited by Gunz0r

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  • Name: James

  • In-game Name: SAS

  • Age: 15

  • Location: UK, near Norwich

  • What Games you Play: Generally most Military/ shooting games

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: I consider myself a pro on Dayz with a 10 day + game atm

  • Why do you want to join? Just a bit bored, got most things on the game, looking for clans to join

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  • Name: Jake

  • In-game Name: DisasterSoldier

  • Age: 16

  • Location: Denmark

  • What Games you Play: Too many to mention! if you add me on steam you can take a look for your self ;) (madsen2800)

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: I have played it since some of the first released alpha versions / hpw long i have been gaming? about 6-7 years

  • Why do you want to join?: I have grown bored of playing this alone.

I do have Teamspeak 3 and skype.

Edited by DisasterSoldier

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  • Name: Aaron

  • In-game Name: Aaron

  • Age: 19

  • Location: Ireland,Sligo

  • What Games you Play:Anything,and everything,I dont Stick to one type of game.What draws me mostly to Day z Would be the Scale of the maps,and beans.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming:Im Still Learning,and im being Held back by my Grahpics card..Which im geting a new one between monday/friday,

  • Why do you want to join?.Im Bored of being Shot at,I havent Actually Spoken to anyone in game yet,I shoot Friendly.they shoot..

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  • Name: son54

  • In-game Name: Albert

  • Age: 16

  • Location: New York

  • What Games you Play: Dayz, planetside 2, CS:S, and Starcraft 2

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Long time now, joined late may.

  • Why do you want to join?: Going solo never gets you anywhere near high grade loot (unless you are FRANKIEonPC)

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come on guys we are still recruting we need more people who are going to be active in the clan

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  • Name: André

  • In-game Name: PsySkater

  • Age: 17

  • Location: Portugal

  • What Games you Play: Well I play DayZ of course, I also play css, gmod, TF2, so mostly FPS.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Im fairly new to playing Dayz, I have been played for like 3 days but I know most of the stuff about DayZ due to watching youtubers.

  • Why do you want to join? Well it's always better to play in a united group so...

  • Like 1

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  • Name: Thomas

  • In-game Name: Scholararium

  • Age: 22

  • Location: Utah, US.

  • What Games you Play: WoW, RIFT, LoL, BF2, GW2, Borderlands (1&2), et. al.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming: Gaming for most of my life, though I've only just downloaded ArmA2 and DayZ.

  • Why do you want to join?: As a huge fan of cooperative, squad-based gaming, I'm looking for a group to bomb around with as well as one willing to show me the ropes.

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  • Name Ruben

  • In-game Name Trollzor

  • Age 15

  • Location Netherland

  • What Games you Play BF,COD,DayZ,CSS,Dead island etc.

  • Experience on DayZ/Gaming I know almost everything about dayz i played this for a month

  • Why do you want to join? I quit another clan because they always stay in pusta and never leave.

  • Skype: President_Capone
  • Yes i have teamspeak

Edited by Trollzor

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we still have places and we play alot of other games as well as dayz

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