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I need Help I will give NV Goggles for this help

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I m the hele pilot on my server. I ran into some trouble I have the jerry cans i need but I need a ride to get my hele. I landed on top of the Internationale hotel last night log out to help a friend move his car. Log in a few hours later and the server reseted 3 hours early. I have the jerry can on the hele but the way i landed the tail of the hele is hanging off the building just out of my reach. I will be on US 2893 in the area of the hele. plz help and i will give you a pair of NV Goggles.

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ye i wonts u to get him up on another server..i would like to help u but i dont have a chopa...

bdw how did u get down from the hotel?

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you could have sat in the chopper (not as pilot!) and then used the following to access the helicopters gear:

open your map, on the top left of the screen click on units, click on your name, click "gear" in the right upper side of the screen

doesn't help you now but good to know for the future I guess ;)

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I did try that because I thought it might work like when your in the bus or riding in the back of the Ural. I did not get that lucky. I really could use the help. I can get u the LM85 if you prefer that of NV Goggles

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