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Am I the only one with issues?

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I don't really see anybody post about this, but since the newest patch came out I have been disconnecting frequently.

Basically I spend alot of time trying to load up the game just to realize it wont ever load or gets stuck on requesting character. Then I have to hop on another server to waist another 2-4 minutes loading up. Then I play for 10-20 minutes until it disconnects me for some random reason.

Sometimes I feel like I spend 50% of my time loading rather than playing.

Then to make it worse now I have spawned randomly in the ocean on all 4 different servers I loaded up on.

So, I have a few questions.

1. Does the disconnecting happen to everyone?

2. What do I do now that I have spawned 5 miles away from shore? I dont feel like suicide and loosing my hours worth of items. Do I have a alternative to suicide?

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