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Well, that was lucky

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Usually I don't care that much when someone attempts to kill me and I stop them. It's nice to know I can shoot reasonably well.

Tonight was particularly strange. I had a Lee (bagged m4a1 due to no ammo) and was running around Elektro. Saw a weaponless newblet and decided not to kill him. He saw me too and ran off.

About 20s later I hear really loud shots coming from the direction I saw the nooblet run off in. I immediately follow. My assumption is that the poor unarmed guy was taken out, meaning that I had a bandit to try to gank.

This guy rolls around the corner with a machine gun and immediately opens fire. I no-scoped him with the Lee, missing. He hits me once or twice, retreats, then pops back out to finish me off. My second no-scope 1 shot KO's him, and he's dead. I'm at 2k health, broken legs, but still alive!

I picked up his gun after bandaging, and somehow wasnt spotted by the nearby zombies. This thing took up basically my entire inv because each ammo was 2 slots.

This guy had over 500 rounds for this thing, and 9+ clips for an M9 SD. Should it be safe to assume this guy was a cheater? He also had basically every other item.

I didnt catch the name of the machine gun (goin zzz now), but it has 100 in the mag, it's camo looking, and has a red dot sight. Also I cannot seem to carry a bag with it. Is that right? Should I have no bag?

I was like omg @.@ when I got him, super lucky. All that no scope zombie killing turned out to be good for something :).

PS. Afraid to log in because I don't want to lose this gg gun! It 1 shots zombies :D

Edited by pgTriage

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mk48 was the gun

if it removes your backpack it was scripted in.

in regular arma2 heavy guns take your backpack slot and was modded to work differently in DayZ. so if a gun removes your backpack it means it was scripted in

edit: and you can only hold 8 pistol mags... and since he was using that gun :P

Edited by Buffjesus
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mk48 was the gun

if it removes your backpack it was scripted in.

in regular arma2 heavy guns take your backpack slot and was modded to work differently in DayZ. so if a gun removes your backpack it means it was scripted in

edit: and you can only hold 8 pistol mags... and since he was using that gun :P

He had some pistol mags in his bag :o. So yeah, this guy was def a cheater. Not a very good shot though -.-. He did have a bag when I killed him. By picking up the gun, the bag I wanted in the end got deleted =.=. Oh well.

I currently have like 4-5 clips for the m9SD and 500 rounds on this machine gun :D. And that name sounds right, thnx.

Edited by pgTriage

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