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Getting frustrated

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Hey guys.

Just started playing the game. Watched plenty of videos on it and i know the basics of how the loot spawning, zombie spawning etc. works.

Have tried playing a few times but none of my mates have DayZ yet so I keep getting nailed after a few minutes and its quite annoying.

Looking for maybe a couple of people to play with. Not too bothered if youre new yourselves or been playing a while.

Im in Aus/NZ but theres not many servers here so quite happy to play on EU or US servers as long as the connection isnt too bad.



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I think DayZ is having the desired effect it was made to. There are lots of clans in Bandit camp fire and Survivor HQ as I'm sure your aware, just ask about you'll be in a team already.

In fact, anyone reading this in the OP's area please give him a hand and help him out (I'm U.K. based) Lets not lose another potential player, He could turn out to be your saviour when your legs are broken and your miles from meds.

I also recommend you master the "Z" key when You approach places by the sound of it your getting killed by a lack of practice. You'll only get better the more you play.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Yeah well if I'd live close enough (for the connection part) I would love to team up with you. Im from Sweden and I normally play with a few friends but they never want to play, they're only playing boring games like C.O.D and shit.. ._.

Just like Michaelvoodoo25 said, if someone's close to him, team up with the guy for some extreme zombie killing and Bandit hunting!

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There's loads of good teams to join. Don't give up just yet, it's a steep learning curve. Hang in there and you'll be popping Zeds in the face before you know it.

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The game is not intended to be easy nor were the initial intentions for you to live very long..and I mean like 30-60minutes. As people started working together and learning the ropes, Zeds are the least of your worries. Other players are and always will be the #1 enemy.

Trust no one but dont be afraid of forming bonds with other players in order to survive. My suggestion is to hit up Trusted Medics of the Wasteland and get into a good group of guys. After you get over hackers and cheaters and server glitches, you realize the game is still well worthwhile because its simply fun to play. Dying and having to rebuild your character and weapons is half the fun.

You will enjoy this game if you do not fear dying, see it as more of a challenge. Embrace the difficulties and dont expect much from it. Its a fun game :)

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