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"You have been kicked off the game" message

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Hi there,

I don't want to come across as rude or anything, but I could really do with some help. This "You have been kicked off the game" message has been happening in every server I join for the last week almost (and I join all the servers with my current updated version). I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I don't know where else to go to ask for help.

I have been playing for about 2 weeks and was originally using SIXlauncher, so I think it may have automatically upgraded the other stuff, and randomly after an upgrade in BattEye I believe, every game I join kicks me after about 5-10 minutes of playing. I have literally spent the last 5 days trying to sort this out. I realise that DayZ in Alpha so I've tried to be as patient as I can be, but this is getting to be ridiculous! I have viewed countless tutorials on how to properly install DayZ and update BattlEye etc etc, and I have followed all of these EXACTLY. After already using "SIXlancher" I tried using "Arma II laucher", then "DayZ commander" which I currently have.

I went as far as actually uninstalling and deleting everything, and re-installing again. I even had to download Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA again. I figured whatever the problem was, this will fix it for sure... No, same thing again! I update to latest version of DayZ and BattlEye and Arma 2, I find a server that is at the same upgrades as mine says, I load fine, my character is there with all my equipment, I run around and loot fine, but after about 5 to 10 minutes a message will come up: "You have been kicked off the game". NO EXPLANATION! I didn't do anything wrong, I installed and updated everything correctly, I don't have any background programs running (let alone hacks). I'm starting to get fully put off the game due to this, and it's really upsetting as this game is brilliant (when it plays) even with all the little bugs in it still. But constantly getting kicked... There has been no real solution to this problem, just a repeat of what everyone else is saying, and I believe I have done everything correctly, and all my files are there in the right folders with the correct versions.

Has anyone experienced this exact same message after being in game for roughly 5 minutes and found a solution for it?

Thanks for any help

p.s. what really annoys me is that I joined a random teamspeak chat and was asking a few random players for any advice and they weren't sure but said to try their game. I got in fine (as usual) and found out they were all around this one guy who was hacking, and he was spawning all these weapons. He teleported up on me and asked if I wanted some night vision goggles, but I'm not one to hack, or accept any shortcuts from hackers (but I also wanted to be polite in order not to get shot) so I politely said "no, but thanks". What I wanted to say is "It's because of cunts like you that I can't play my game correctly, thanks for ruining an awesome game". This is just proof though that BattlEye is useless. This guy said he has to pay $10 a week to run his hack (loser), but has no problem playing with the latest version of BattlEye out. I guess BattlEye is just looking out for me by kicking me right? lol. Sure enough I get kicked from the server after about 5 minutes and the hackers go on hacking... how fun. For the record I have never hacked in ANY game, and loathe it.

Edited by SHoGUNz

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Its Battle eye that is kicking you!

If you join a server before your battle eye is enabled, you get kicked. 5-10 minutes after you join!

I sit in the lobby until I get the client number. if after 5 minutes it doesnt come up, I rejoin the server. Works everytime =)

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Its Battle eye that is kicking you!

If you join a server before your battle eye is enabled, you get kicked. 5-10 minutes after you join!

I sit in the lobby until I get the client number. if after 5 minutes it doesnt come up, I rejoin the server. Works everytime =)

Wow thanks I will try this as soon as I'm free and get back to you whether it worked or not :)

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OK so I have noticed before that these messages load up while in lobby. Though it doesn't seem to make a difference in me getting kicked.

Here's what it says before I enter:

Battleye client: initiated (v.1.170)

Battleye client: requiring client version 1.170 up-to-date

Battleye client: server computed GUID: 1ee681cae834etc..etc

I joined after waiting about 3 minutes, but no other messages came up (apart from other players being kicked). Again waited about 3-5 minutes and got kicked. I instantly rejoined the same server after waiting for this same message... got kicked again. The third time I joined I did the same, and waited while on the map. I just stayed prone and didn't move except from looking around so I didn't go afk. In this time I saw about 8 players get kicked. Roughly half of them were due to high ping, which it would state their ping (all over 300) and the other half were kicked due to BattlEye client not responding. I waited for about 10 minutes this time and begun to slightly get my hopes that finally BattlEye had loaded correctly. The kicking messages stopped for a while so I slowly begun to move. I took about 10 steps and got the same message -_-: "You were kicked off the game".

My ping shouldn't have been too high since I'm from New Zealand and I was playing on an Australian server... so I was getting roughly 60-70 ping.

One thing I did notice that last time I loaded in (not sure about the earlier times), is that as my loading screen came up it says "Retrieving mission files". Mine was "Retrieving mission files 0/0" then the loading bar for the game appeared. Not sure if that has any connection to the problem either :S

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I have the exact same problem, i got the game a few days ago and while using Dayz Commander, early on i was able to play. But lately i cant play for more than a couple minutes without getting kicked. Although im able to join regular arma 2 oa matches fine it just doesnt work for this mod. ive updated firmware, battleye, verified integrity, delete and redownload, all of this to no avail. This Is RIDICULOUS!

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