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Just a Goat

Thread topics question.

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So here's a question. Scattered about this forum we have the following:

- Lots of threads about hackers (yes, we get it, people hack, enough with the threads unless you have new ways to save yourself from skydiving, thunder-doming, etc.)

- Lots of threads about bugs (same deal, complaining about known issues in general discussion is a waste of forum space)

- Lots of fun videos of stupid stuff

- People whining about being killed

- People making up BS threads bragging about nonexistent bandit killing adventures

- Everything you ever wanted to know about Tents/Cars

So where are the threads about actual general survival tactics? Or fighting tactics? I think these are something like 1% of forum topics.

There are so many people running around doing retarded things in-game, don't they ever stop to wonder why they die 5 times a night, and think to start a discussion on how not to?

Maybe they suck because it never occurs to them to do that...

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