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Marshy (DayZ)

A few suggestions of mine/influenced by others

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Personally, I think there a few things that could add a lot to the game regarding the radios and other things. A lot/all of these suggestions already exist but I'd like to hear all thoughts in the same place :)

(1) Radios.

- 1-way radio with set stations that you can access by changing frequency, maybe an emergency broadcast type thing that could warn players of changes in the map (if more dynamic events were implemented such as zombies migrating etc.) or maybe a carefree radio DJ who has accepted that life has gone to shit and now plays old music through the radio to cheer people up (kind of like Fallout).

(2) Forts that can be constructed by players.

This is a suggestion that keeps popping up and I think it's a very good suggestion that can be implemented.

- The general building material can be wood.

Of course it would require a lot of wood but using the warfare/commander system that's already in the game I think this is very possible. Change the currency to wood and give players the ability to find blueprints. If you find wall blueprints, for example, You can build walls (maybe have different blueprints for different size walls) and if you have garage blueprints you can build a garage to park vehicles in. This brings me on to:

- Blueprints

Those of you familiar with the warfare mode (I believe is what it's called) the player is given the role of commander and using money gained from different acts and that other currency (I forget what it is) this player can build different buildings such as MG nests and barracks. I think this should be implemented in Day Z but for much more rudimentary structures. The player will find blueprints (rare) around the map allowing them to build different structures. Blueprints can include walls, gates, chests, garages and watchtowers (and so much more). Gates would have to have some kind of lock or keypad or something to prevent just anyone getting in (unless that's the intention). Large groups (and even very dedicated solo players) can forge their own small settlement for storing vehicles/loot etc. I also think that players should have the ability to use explosives to destroy walls and raid the camp. Adding this feature would also provide a use for the big open fields that have nothing going for them. Also I think the player should need a toolbox etc. in order to build this stuff, not just wood and blueprints.

They would have to make it so players cannot log inside the fort to prevent raiders from going to a different server, logging out and logging in inside the fort and stealing all the stuff. Of course I realise this could be very difficult to implement and many variables have to taken into account but I can dream, right?

I feel like the fort system could be developed into a major part of the game, allowing players to create things using equipment and wood like a large board with a map on it for other players who perhaps don't have a map to use but can't take around with them. Personally if this was in the game I'd make it my personal mission to create my own fort (being a usually solo player) and make it accessible to other players. I would have the helpful stuff there like a map and I would allow players to take from the storage. This is because I generally get a buzz from helping people but doing directly on "Day Z - shoot on sight simulator" can be a bit difficult. At the moment I spend most of my in game time looting military bases trying to get NVG and the weapons I want and because of this I end up leaving behind A LOT of other weapons and ammo/supplies. I could take these back to my storage and have my fort be a kind of oasis for players in an otherwise bleak world. The only problem I see with this is if there is a player there when I come to fill it up and they aren't exactly the trusting type.

Another problem I see is if the servers get too full of these forts and people don't any space to build their own. It would probably also cause a lot of lag in the server when a player is creating a fort.

(3) Change the sound system

At the moment sound is calculated from the speed you are going and surface you are on. Because of this bicycles apparently make a lot of noise. I find this disappointing because once upon a time I wanted a bicycle thinking it would provide a fast but quiet mode of transportation (I'm generally a solo player and like stealth) but now I don't because of how sound works.

It works pretty well when on foot but maybe they could change it for individual vehicles, so that bikes are quiet and other motorised vehicles are loud.

(4) Food and drink.

It really annoys me that our character can starve or die of thirst in a matter of hours. People can go days without nutrients so why is it Day Z characters die after a few hours? I don't know how well this would work but I'd much rather cans of drink were deleted from the game and tins of food were extremely rare (I'd say get rid of tins and have only cooked meat but matches are pretty rare). In my opinion empty water bottles should be pretty rare and players should be limited to 1 bottle and should have to drink once a day at the very most. This means players will have to refill their water bottle at a pump or a pond and not just carry a lot of cans. We should have different factors affect the rate at which hunger increases. Cold should make hunger increase more as well as running. We should only have to eat once on a less active day.

(5) Have the ability to customise your civilian clothing in the beginning.

Civilian clothing is the same for everybody and, to be honest, I don't think that everybody in Chernarus dressed the exact same way. I think we should be able to edit our civilian clothing when we create our characters, even if it is just a choice between a few colours and pieces of clothing. Not only does this help you feel more attached to your character but it can be used by clans and groups to identify each other. If my friend likes to wear all pink clothing and I see someone in all pink clothing then, chances are, it is going to be my friend. Also, hats.

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I like the radios idea, as well the customization at the start. Would definitely add to immersion, in my opinion.

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