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Cheater on UK 286 - TCM 17/09/2012

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Approximately 23.40 UK time on the 17/09 me and my friend were killed by a sniper named Bob, my friend was in a deer hide while I was hanging back, I took cover watching the area the shots came from as my friend died instantly and I seen a sniper in a ghillie try and snipe at me behind some rocks, how he knew I was there I don't know as I was prone looking over the rocks in 3rd person.

He then tried to advance on me which I found strange as he did not try to use cover, I went to crouched and fired half a mag from my L85A2 AWS at him using the ingame sights but to no affect, he circled a bit so I reloaded and then put a full mag into him through the thermal scop zeroed to 100m, seen the bullets hitting him as he seemed to have his view pushed upwards but no blood, I tried to go prone to reload but he just casually ran up to me and shot my once with a sniper from about 3ms away!

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Hi mate i will try and ban this guy will take a look at the logs

what was his name? Just Bob?

22:58:08 Bob uses modified data file

22:58:08 Player Bob connecting.

22:58:08 Player Bob connected (id=12479558).

22:58:08 BattlEye Server: Player #8 Bob ( connected

22:58:09 BattlEye Server: Player #8 Bob - GUID: c9c32eba3ecc9a32471ea77acd368e7c (unverified)

22:58:09 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (c9c32eba3ecc9a32471ea77acd368e7c) of player #8 Bob

Never mind i found and banned him

Edited by Bouh

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Cheers man good job, any chance of submitting a global ban or is it not worth the effort?

You guys got a website or another means of getting a hold of you in the off chance something like this happens again as we would like to continue playing on your server?

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Cheers man good job, any chance of submitting a global ban or is it not worth the effort?

You guys got a website or another means of getting a hold of you in the off chance something like this happens again as we would like to continue playing on your server?

I dont think the server will still be up after the 21st may want to move ur stuff pointless paying for a server for 80% of hackers to fuck you over while nothing can be done

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Sorry to hear that, again there was hacking tonight on your server - sent u a pm about it.

Last 7 times I have been killed have all been hackers or what appears to have been hackers\cheaters so I feel your pain, at least the game was good while it was hacker free, time to move on I guess . . .

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