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Item hacker camp on FI 27 w/ Proof

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Server: DayZ - FI 27 ( [3P:0|CH:0|GMT+2] dayzmod.com - Hardcore Unicorn Madness!

Date/Time: Somewhere between 16.9.2012 21:00 and 17.9.2012 21:15

Location: 008090 , northwest from Zelenogorsk

Video proof:

Sorry for bad video editing, I had to do this in haste.

Close to my tent I had put there 2 days ago, I found three tents containing hacked items on FI 27 today, I also found many standing dead bodies which appeared to belong to a player called "Kocmoc".

First I didin't realise it and picked up the PDW SD from his backpack, but then I checked from the wiki that it doesn't exist in dayz and put it into one of the tents,

where I found an AS50 TWS, a G36C SD and some mines.

Yesterday at 21:00 the tents weren't there yet, and I found them today 17.9.2012 somewhere in 21:00 - 21:15

The server restarted this morning on 2012-09-17 09:55, and possibly caused mine and my friends tent to bug empty, so it's very likely that he put the tent there today, unless his/their tents would have been empty too.

I also saw Kocmoc on the player list, but he had disconnected when I started capturing the video.

Edited by DooM599
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