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A Metal Viking

How much Humanity does giving a blood bad/morphine give?

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And would it be possible to boost it if someone was bleeding and I kept giving them blood bags?

I'm at about -320k Humanity now and would like to become a Hero (Good old Elektro), lol I know how bad that sounds but I suppose it offers a different play style right? :L

Dont want to spend that £15 just for a Hero skin.

Edited by A Metal Viking

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there's ways to fuck up the debug monitor, but since you have that much negative humanity I'ma leave you to work for it.

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A blood bag gives 250 humanity.

Assuming you have exactly -320000 humanity points, that means you will need 1300 blood bags to reach 5000 humanity to get the hero skin, so good luck sir.

If you really want it, maybe it's time to get out of the hills in Elektro to start doing something different.

Edited by Fenrig
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There is going to be a hive wipe at some point in the near future, which will reset humanity, stats, and equipment.

Wait it out.

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