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waiting for character to load...

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just downloaded game and went through everything to install it and battleye multiple times, i want to know why its not starting because im not the only one its happening to, if there are any moderators or staff member out there please helpp!!!!

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Its a bug there are alot of people suffering with this. Ive been trying to play for 2 hours now

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are they going to do anything about it that you know of?

One of the devs asked for a ARMAIIOA.rpt or something file for the logs, but it doesn't exist..

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thats awesome... so we are basically SOL


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Shit outta luck

Hey! i've been able to connect and spawn successfuly on some ANZ servers, but i got kicked off after 30 seconds every time because "my ping was too high" which it clearly wasn't... strange

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well thats a start, hopefully the problem is slowly getting worked out, i havent been able to try it since this morning and it was still giving same results as last night

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