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Jack Pilot

Banned from LU313

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I was banned from LU313 just and the ban message it was an Admin ban for Cheating/Hacking.

A server message popped up saying the server was going to restart in 5 minutes, me and a friend had just finished looting a camp so we parked our VS3 truck back at our base and moved our PBX closer to shore as we were going to check out Skalisty Island after the restart, a few seconds before the restart the ban message came up.

I never used any sort of cheat/hack and found all my camps legitimately, the only evidence I can give you is my DayZ survival series on Youtube, my Youtube name is TheRepairTool and my latest video which will be uploaded later talks about how we found our truck etc.

Again this is a illegitimate ban and has frustrated me because we had just rebuilded after losing our stuff from the DayZ saving bug.


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Hi Jack,

in the past 2 months we had a lots of serious attaks bye hackers, at least twice a day, cause our server (ex LU313) was so popular in that period. We spend so much time checking all the logs, so it's possible that we made some mistakes. I belive in your words, and i apologize if we made a ban with no reason. Sure i can tell you that we don't care about equipments or veichles (we've lost all so many times), and we never made a ban or simply a server restart just to take an advantage. We like to fight against zombies, bandits, and bugs; and we want to play fair.

For that reason since 2 weeks we put a whitelist on that private server, and you're welcome to ask us about everything on our DayZ forum or serch "ExR" on the server list.


[ExR] clan's member DayZ italian server

Edited by TeZla

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